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Ra 462

Modena, Biblioteca Estense Universitaria, α. P. 7. 27 (Puntoni 64; III B 12). No diktyon: 43373.
a. 1505  f. 129r | Paper (clear watermark e.g. on f. 149r), 150 ff., 206 × 160 mm, 1 col., var. lines per page  21–25. | Scribe: unknown.
Libri sapientiales et Patristica. | Two codicological units, bound together and trimmed, comprising: The Wisdom Books of the Septuagint (first part), followed by an appendix of patristic texts (second part). The first part contains custodes from α′ to ιϛ′ (ff. 1r–128v), located at the bottom of the page at both the beginning and end of each quire (16 quaternions in total); the second part features custodes from ιζ′ to ιθ′ (ff. 131r–150v), placed at the top of the page at the beginning of each quire, partly, however, cut off (quaternio ιζ′ ff. 131r–138v; binio [ιη′] ff. 139r–142v; quaternio ιθ′ 143r–150v). Initials intended for rubrication are mostly omitted in the first part, but performed in the second part. This witness is not mentioned in Ziegler’s editions of Sap. and Iob (nor collated for these books); it has also not been collated for Ziegler’s edition of Sir. or for Gentry’s edition of Eccl.Collation: not collated | Text-type: l (Sap.).
ff. 1r–15r Sap. 1:1–19:18b 19:18c–19:22b (fin.) left out, which is characteristic for the l-group, cf. Ziegler, Sapientia Salomonis, p. 60
ff. 15v–19v Prov. 25:1–29:27; 31:10–31 (fin. libr.) Prov. 25:1 ed. Rahlfs-Hanhart, p. 228
ff. 20r–28v Eccl.
ff. 29r–56r Iob
ff. 56v–79r Prov. 1:1–24:22e; 30:1–14; 24:23–34; 30:15–33; 31:1–9 Prov. 31:9 ed. Rahlfs-Hanhart, p. 228
ff. 79v–123v Sir.
ff. 124r–128r Cant.
ff. 128v–129r Patristic fragments under the names of Iohannes Chrysostomus and Basilius Caesariensis
ff. 129v–130v empty
ff. 131r–138r Iohannes Chrysostomus, Sententiae
ff. 138r–144v Georgius Acropolites, Expositio in Gregorii Nazianzeni Sententias
ff. 145r–146v Gregorius Nazianzenus, Epistulae CPG 3032
ff. 147r–150v empty
Gentry, P.J.: Text History of the Greek Ecclesiastes. Introduction to the Göttingen Septuagint Edition of Ecclesiastes (De Septuaginta Investigationes 17), Göttingen 2022, 17 („Manuscripts Not Collated for the Edition“).
Puntoni, V.: Indice dei codici greci della Biblioteca Estense di Modena, Studi italiani di filologia classica 4 (1896), 379–536, 429–430 (Nr. 64). 
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments. Für das Septuaginta–Unternehmen aufgestellt (MSU 2), Berlin 1914, 139.
Gentry, P.J.: Ecclesiastes (Septuaginta. Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum XI/2), Göttingen 2019, 9 („Nicht kollationierte Handschriften“).
Ziegler, J.: Sapientia Iesu Filii Sirach (Septuaginta. Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum XII/2), Göttingen 3rd ed. 2016, 11 („Nicht kollationierte Handschriften“).