Ra 43
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Grec 20 (olim Reg. 2554,2, cf. f. 1r). No diktyon: 49581.
s. IX
| Parchment, 40 ff., 200 × 150
1 col., 22 lines per page.
| Majuscule (Majuscule ogival upright).
| Provenance: Constantinople (?).
| Owners:
Laurentius Blondel (1671–1740)
f. Ir. Cf. Dufrenne 1966, p. 41; Corrigan 1992, p. 146f.; Brandmüller 2007, p. 40 n. 125,
Monsieur Louail (early 18th century)
f. Ir. Louail donated the manuscript to the Bibliothèque Royale in Paris.
Illustrated Psalter.
| This Psalter contains marginal illustration similar to those in two other ninth-century Psalters, the Chludov Psalter and the Mount Athos Psalter, Pantokrator 61. Omont and Rahlfs date the manuscript to the tenth century. It contains several orthographical errors.
| Text-type: L´.
Anderson, J.: "The Content of the Marginal Psalter Paris. gr. 20", Rivista di studi bizantini e neoellenici 35 (1998), 25–35.
Bordier, H. L.: Description des peintures et autres ornements contenus dans les manuscrits grecs de la Bibliothèque nationale, Paris 1883, 98–101.
Brandmüller, N.: “Die trauernden Juden im Exil”. Ein Thema der europäischen Malerei im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Unpublished PhD thesis, Nürnberg 2007, 40–41.
Corrigan, K.: Visual Polemics in the Ninth–Century Byzantine Psalters: Iconophile Imagery in Three Ninth–Century Byzantine Psalters, Cambridge 1992.
Crisci, E.: “La maiuscola ogivale diritta. Origini, tipologie, dislocazioni”, Scrittura e Civiltà 9 (1985), 103–143, 118–119.
de Lagarde, P.: “Pauli de Lagarde novae psalterii graeci editionis specimen”, in Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften 33 (1886), 1–15, 2–3.
Dufrenne, S.: L’Illustration des Psautiers Grecs du Moyen Age: Pantocrator 61, Paris Grec 20, British Museum 40731, Paris 1966.
Evangelatou, M.: “Liturgy and the Illustration of the Ninth–Century Marginal Psalters”, DOP 63 (2009), 59–116.
Parpulov, G.: “Psalters and Books of Hours (Horologia)” in V. Tsamakda, A Companion to Byzantine Illustrated manuscripts, Leiden 2017, 300–309, 304, 307.