Ra 340
Mt. Athos, Κουτλουμουσίου, 39 (Lambros 3108). No diktyon: 26064.
s. XI in.
s. X: flyleaves ff. 2, 275; s. XI: ff. 3–274
| Parchment, 275 ff., 355 × 250
2 col., 40 lines per page
Ruling Type 00 C2 (Sautel-Leroy).
| Minuscule (minuscule bouletée) cf. Roosen, 249–50.
| Provenance: South Italy (?). Textual relation to Palestine.
cf. Roosen, esp. 248, 250, and 251
| Owner:
Arsenij Suchanov (17th century) marked the manuscript on f. 3r (see Roosen, 246), but did not bring it to Moscow.
Gen. (fragm.), I Macc., IV Macc., I Esdr. 1:1–4:28 (inf.).
| Mutilated at the beginning and end. The f. 222 is misplaced, it belongs after f. 82.
| Collation: Codex mixtus in case of Genesis (ed. Wevers), I Macc. (ed. Kappler), and I Esdr. (ed. Hanhart). In case of the Testamenta XII patriarcharum, this textual witness is most important since it contains two additions in accordance with the Aramaic Levi Document. The so-called third addition is the misplaced f. 222 (cf. Roosen, 244, n. 72)
| Text-type: Mixt.
Roosen, B.: Athous, Koutloumousiou 39. An Interesting Case, in: Sacris erudiri 39 (2000), 219–52.
Charles, R.H. (ed.): The Greek Versions of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs. Edited from Nine MSS. Together with the Armenian and Slavonic Versions and Some Hebrew Fragments, Oxford 1908, xi, 245–256 (Appendix III) (e).
de Jonge, M. (ed.): The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs. A Critical Edition of the Greek Text (Pseudepigrapha Veteris Testamenti Graece I/2), Leiden 1978, xvii (e).
Hanhart, R. (ed.): Esdrae liber I (Septuaginta. Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum VIII,1), Göttingen 2nd ed. 1991, 11 (340).
Kappler, W. (ed.): Maccabaeorum liber I (Septuaginta. Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Litterarum Gottingensis editum IX/1), Göttingen 3rd ed. 1990, 10 (340).
Wevers, J.W. (ed.): Genesis (Septuaginta. Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum I), Göttingen 1974, 16 (340).