Ra 290
Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Aedil. 222. No diktyon: 15903.
s. XV
| Paper, 170 ff., 218 × 146
1 col., 21 lines per page.
| Minuscule (Minuscola barocca).
| Owner:
Giorgio Antonio Vespucci (c.1434–c.1514)
ex-libris (Ir).
Psalms and Odes.
| The Greek text on ff. 1r-14r, 29r-30r, 52r-53r, and elsewhere has been cribbed in Latin between the lines by a fifteenth-century Italian hand.
| Text-type: L.
Content | |
1r–156v | Ps 1–150 |
157r–170v | Ode 1–9 |
Gallori, F., Nencioni, S.:“I libri greci e latini dello scrittoio e della biblioteca di Giorgio Antonio Vespucci: Introduzione e catalogo”, Memorie domenicane II.28 (1997), 155–359, 268–269.