
Ra 2243

Sinai, St. Catherine's Monastery, New Finds, ΜΓ 24, ff. 17–24. No diktyon: 61062.
s. VIII | Parchment, 9 ff., 158 × 115 mm, 1 col., 22 lines per page. | Majuscule (“mixed” majuscule-minuscule script).
Psalms. | The most easily identifiable parts of the undertext in this fragment are Ps 33:10–15 on f. 20v, Ps 46:7–9 on f. 22r, and Ps 44:17–45:3 on f. 24v.
D’Aiuto, F.: “La ‘scrittura mista’ maiuscolo–minuscola d’area mediorientale”, in: Griechisch–byzantinische Handschriftenforschung: Traditionen, Entwicklungen, neue Wege, Berlin 2020, 145–169, 157, 167 (cat. 27).
Nikolopoulos, P.,: The New Finds of Sinai, Athens 1999, 146.