
Ra 212

Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. gr. 1542 (olim 1492). No diktyon: 68173.
s. X | Parchment (ff. 1–132); Paper (ff. I–II, I'), 120 × 95 mm, 1 col., 23 lines per page. | Minuscule (Scuola di S. Nilo il Giovane)  Follieri, Attività scrittoria, p. 126.. | Provenance: Southern Italy (Calabria). Cf. Batiffol, La Vaticane, p. 186; Follieri, Attività scrittoria, p. 126. According to a note at the end of the manuscript, the codex was brought from the East by Φραγκίσκος Ἀκκίδας. Rahlfs also argues that the MS comes from the East. However, based on the type of handwriting, we could argue that the manuscript derives instead from southern Italy. "Quoi qu'en dise Accidas, tous ces manuscrits ne viennent pas d'Orient". Batiffol, La Vaticane, pp. 185–186. .  The manuscript came from the Collegio Greco of St. Athanasius and entered the Biblioteca apostolica vaticana in 1613.Owners: Roma, Collegio Greco di S. Atanasio  The manuscript came from the Collegio Greco di S. Atanasio and entered the Biblioteca apostolica vaticana in 1613. Cf. Canart, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, p. 165. About the manuscripts of Collegio Greco cf. Canart, Les Vaticani, pp. 168–170., Theodoris  s. XV–XVI. See f. 82v, ex libris: εγώ Θέ٠ωδο٠ρ٠ὴς٠ πε٠τρωπου٠λ[ος]٠[ ]τετ[ ] ρήγιου, cf., Giannelli, Bybliothecae, 115; Batiffol, La Vaticane, 183 nr. 2., Φραγκίσκος Ἀκκιδας (1532–1601 ca.)  Merchant of Cyprus and then protonotary and Catholic protopapas of Messina. VGH, 422. About Ἀκκίδας cf. Canart, Biblioteca, pp. 173–190. Ἀκκίδας donated this manuscript to Pope Sixtus V in 1585, as stated in the note placed at the end of the manuscript. The inscriptions placed on 2nd flyleaf of the manuscript (with the indication of the title and number of leaves) are also by Ἀκκίδας himself. Transcription of the note in Batiffol, La Vaticane, p. 185..
Psalter. | The manuscript is defective at the beginning and at the end (it begins with Psalm 11 and ends with Psalm 137), it has also lost some leaves (see contents). The Psalter has small dimensions:"pocket" format. There are decorated initial letters (see for example the decorated initial of f. 8r in the shape of a fish), and decorative friezes.Text-type: L.
1r–130v Ps 11:6b–144:7b Ps 18:14-20:5, 43:6-22, 135:24-137:4 are missing
Batiffol, P., La Vaticane depuis Paul III, in Revue des questions historiques 45 (1889), 177–218, 183 nr. 2, 186. 
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Canart, P., Les Vaticani Graeci, 1487–1962: notes et documents pour l'histoire d'un fonds de manuscrits de la Bibliothèque vaticane, Città del Vaticano 1979 (Studi e testi, 284), 142, 165, 168.
Giannelli, C., Bybliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae codices manu scripti recensiti […]. Codices Vaticani graeci. Codices 1485–1683, In Bibliotheca Vaticana 1950, 115–117.
Rahlfs, A., Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments, Berlin 1914 (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 2), 263.
Online Sources Biblissima