
Ra 2110

Washington, Museum of the Bible, MS.000170.1-.49 (olim: Cologny-Genève, Bibliotheca Bodmeriana, P. Bodmer XXIV).
s. II/ s. IV  The editors date s. III/IV, thus adopted from Turner, cf. p. 171; Barthélemy, on the other hand, resolutely advocates s. II (middle) and cites an approving epistolary judgement by Roberts, cf. Le Psautier grec, pp. 106f.; Pietersma, The Present State, p. 28, on the other hand, cites the likewise epistolary judgements of Coles, Rea and Parsons, who adopt the dating of the edition | Papyrus, 49 ff., 240 × 130 mm, 1 col., 20–44 lines per page  Steadily decreasing number of lines: pp. 13-42 = 36-44, mostly 41 (= Hand A); pp. 43-72 = 36-41, mostly 37-38 (A); pp. 73-108 = 33-40, mostly 37 (A); pp. 109ff. = 33-35 (Hand B); number of letters Hand A: 22-37, mostly 29-32; Hand B: 20-30, mostly 26-28. | Majuscule (hand A)  careless, small majuscule; the orthography of hand A is characterised by numerous errors and irregular spellings; Majuscule (hand B)  calligraphic majuscule; hand B probably more careful, but also not without conspicuousness. | Provenance: uncertain; purchased 1955/56.
Ps. 17–118. | 49 leaves from a codex. Change of scribe on p. 108 with the beginning of Ps. 109; nomen-sacrum spelling: κς, θς, ιηλ, ιλημ, ανος, πνα, throughout; πατήρ or μήτηρ both abbreviated and written out; written continuously, changes of stichoi marked in different ways. The Psalm counting follows the Hebrew up to Ps 86 = πζ; Ps. 87 again has the number πζ, probably erroneously, cf. pagination, with the consequence that from here on the numbering agrees with LXX; Ps. 113 is divided against 𝔐 and LXX: the Ms. counts 113:12–26 as Ps. 114 in agreement with Sa and Aug.; the next preserved number does not appear again until Ps. 118, which the Ms., like Sa, counts in agreement with the LXX. It remains open how the numbering was adjusted again. Altogether, the leaves can be divided into four categories (according to Fraenkel): Category 1 = complete leaves including pieces with very little loss of letters; these include leaves 14–18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 28, 30–36, 38, 39, 42–45, in total 23 leaves. Category 2 = text loss up to about 25% mostly lateral breakage and mutilation or loss of initial or final lines; this includes leaves 1-6, 9, 13, 19, 21, 24, 27, 29, 37, 40 and 41, in total 16 leaves. Category 3 = loss of text up to about 70%; this includes 8 leaves, namely a) fol. 8, 10–12: break-off of the first line (of fol. 8 probably the first 5 lines) as well as the end of line, gaps within the column; b) fol. 26: torn off at the top and bottom with the loss of one line each; the outer margin broken off with more than half the length of the lines; in addition, the front is badly rubbed off; c) fol. 46: torn off at the top and bottom; on the front remains of 18 lines, 4 of which are almost complete; 10 end of line preserved; on the back the beginnings of 17 lines, 4 of which are almost complete; d) fol. 47: composed of numerous fragments; obverse: remains of 34 lines, 21 of which are beginning of line; reverse: remains of 33 lines, 20 end of line preserved; e) fol. 48: composed of two fragments, lower margin preserved; obverse: remains of 31 lines; fragment 2 completes the end of line of lines 12–18; the beginnings of line of lines 5–10 and 28–31 are preserved; reverse: remains of 32 lines; the end of line preserved almost throughout; here the small fragment completes the beginning of line; total text loss about 40%. The leaves of category 3 concern the following passages: fol. 8 (= pp. 27–28) Ps. 33:21-35:3; fol. 10-12 (= pp. 31–36) Ps. 36:31-41:12; fol. 26 (pp. 65–66) Ps. 72:10–73:16; fol. 46-48 (= pp. 110–115) Ps. 111:10-118:11. fol. 6 (pp. 23-24) breaks off on p. 24 with Ps. 31:8b οφθαλμ[ους; fol. 8 (= pp. 27-28), where lines 1–5 are probably broken off, inserts with Ps. 33:21a αυτω]ν. The fragments of fol. 7 (= pp. 25–26) are to be placed in this gap: fol. 25, fragm. 1 = Ps. 32:3b αλα]λαγμ[ω; fragm. 2 = 9a εγεν[ηθησαν, 9b εκτεισθ[ησαν, 10a ε]θν[ων; fragm. 3 = 12a ⟨μα⟩κ]αρ[ιον - 19a ρυσασθ]αι εκ θ[α]νατ[ου (very fragm.); fol. 26, frag. 1 = Ps. 33:2b δια u. στο]ματι μ[ου; frag. 2 = 7b αυ]του εσω[σεν, 8 κ]υ κυκλω u. ρυσε]ται; frag. 3 = 11a ε]πτ[ωχευ⟨σαν⟩ – 18b πασω]ν των θλιψ[εων (very frag.). Accordingly, Ps. 31:9 –32:3a. 4–8.10b–11b.19b–33:2a.3–7a.9–10.19–20 is missing. fol. 48 (= pp. 114–115) ends on p. 115 with Ps. 118:11a. The last, fragmentary fol. 49 (= pp. 116–117) contains: p. 116, fragm. 1 = Ps. 118:20a/b επεθυμησ]αν τα ⟨κριματα⟩; fragm. 2 = unidentified; fragm. 3 = 26a μ[ου 2° - 29a ο[δον; P. 117, fragm. 1 = 37a α]π[οστρεψον u. τ]ου μ]η, 37b οδ]ω σ[ου, 38a/b σο]υ- ε[ις, 39a ον]ει[δισμον; fragm. 2 = 40a τα]ς ε[ντολας, 40b δικαιοσυ]νη; fragm. 3 = 43a κα]ι μ[η] πε[ριελης - 44b του [αιωνος (very fragm.). Accordingly, Ps. 118:11b–19.21–25.29b–36.41–42 is missing. Category 4: fragments; these include fol. 7: a total of 4 fragments, two very small ones with only a few letters, which are assigned to lines 4 and 5-8 in the reconstruction, and two larger ones which, when put together, convey remains of 15 lines, in the largest extension 12 letters, usually 6–9; fol. 49: 2 very small fragm. with only a few letters each and a larger one from the lower part of the leaf, lower free margin preserved; front: fragm. 1: remains of 4 letters; fragm. 2: unidentified; fragm. 3: remains of 6 lines from the middle of the line; line 1 one letter; line 2 five, otherwise 7-10 letters; front: fragm. 1 from 5 lines each 1-3 letters; fragm. 2 from 2 lines each 2 letters; fragm. 3 from 6 lines 2–12 letters. The leaves are paginated, νγ = 53 is omitted, instead "54" appears twice; on p. 73 is the same For this reason, the paginations shifted upwards by +1 are marked with an asterisk in the edition, e.g. 74.
ff. 1r–49v Ps. 17:45b init. – 118:44b του [αιωνος; missing due to loss of leaves 47–48 = Ps. 53:6 init. – 55:8a υπερ του; leaves 84–85 = Ps. 88:10b σαλον – 46 fin.; leaves 104–105 = Ps. 105:32a αυτον – 106:28b ε]ξηγαγεν
Aland, K.: Repertorium der Griechischen Christlichen Papyri I, Biblische Papyri. PTS 18. Berlin–New York 1976, AT 53.
Barthélemy, D.: Études d’histoire du texte de l’Ancien Testament, Fribourg/Göttingen 1978, 174–178.
Barthélemy, D.: Le papyrus Bodmer XXIV jugé par Origène, in: J. Schreiner (Hrsg.), Wort, Lied und Gottesspruch, Fs. J. Ziegler, Bd. I, Würzburg 1972, 11–19.
Barthélemy, D.: Le Psautier grec et le Papyrus Bodmer XXIV: RTP 19 (1969), 106–110; 194–202.
Baucom, B.P.: The Relation of Ra 2110, or P. Bodmer XXIV, to Origen’s Hexapla. A Study in the Textual History of the Greek Psalter, M.A. Thesis, Trinity Western University, Langley 2018.
Bogaert, P.–M.: Septante et Versions Greques, DBS Fascicule 68. Paris 1993, Sp. 536–692, Abb. 1024: Bl. 22v = Ps. 49:18–50:12 (Facs).
Pietersma, A.: Origen’s Corrections and the Text of P. Bodmer XXIV: JNWSL 19 (1993), 133–142.
Pietersma, A.: Ra 2110 (P. Bodmer XXIV) and the Text of the Greek Psalter: MSU XX, 262–286.
Pietersma, A.: The Present State of the Critical Text of the Greek Psalter: MSU XXIV, 12–32.
Treu, K.: Referat „Christliche Papyri“ 1940–1967: APF 19 (1969), 169–206, 176.
Turner, E. G: The Typology of the Early Codex, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press 1977 (Haney Foundation Series 18), OT 75A.
van Haelst, J.: Catalogue des papyrus littéraires juifs et chrétiens: Publications de la Sorbonne, Série «Papyrologie» – 1, Paris 1976, Nr. 118.
Fraenkel, D.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments von Alfred Rahlfs, Bd. I,1, Die Überlieferung bis zum VIII. Jahrhundert (Septuaginta, Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum. Supplementum I/1), Göttingen 22020, 58–61.
Pietersma, A.: The Edited Text of P. Bodmer XXIV: BASP 17 (1980), 67–69.
Kasser, R. / Testuz, M.: Papyrus Bodmer XXIV, Psaumes XVII–CXVIII, Cologny – Genève 1967, with facsimile.