Ra 201
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Barocci 107. No diktyon: 47394.
| Paper, 292 ff., 210 × 150
1 col., var. lines per page
20 lines: ff. 1r–23r; 92r–116r; 274r–283v; 290r–292v; 21 lines: ff. 135r–271r; 22 lines: 77r–81r; 23 lines: ff. 24r–75v; 25 lines: ff. 84r–90r; 286r–288r; 26/28 lines: ff. 118r–128v.
| Minuscule (Renaissance hands).
| Scribe:
Ἀνδρόνικος Λάσκαρις Παζίκης ff. 24r–75v. See f. 69v: Ἀνδρόνικος Λάσκαρις Παζίκης Βιζαντιος ὁ γράψας; cf. VGH, 30.D; RGK I, 19; PLP, IX.21302; DBBE.
| Provenance: Unknown .
| The manuscript seems to have been written by different hands; it is divided into several sections separated from each other by a certain number of blank pages. Titles and initial letters are rubricated. In several folios, among ff. 29v-75v, there are marginal notes written on small pieces of paper attached to the outer margins.
| Text-type: L (with variants).
Content | |
1r–23r | Basilius Caesariensis, Homilia in principium Proverbiorum CPG 2856 |
23v | blank |
24r–69v | Nicolaus Cabasilas Chamaetus, expositio in Liturgiam PG 150, 368-492 |
69v | Epigram Τῷ ἔχοντι καὶ γράψαντι Χριστέ μου σῶσον. Cf. DBBE |
70r–75v | Johannes Damascenus, De miraculo S. Michaelis In Chonis CPG 8125, BHG 1283b |
76r–76v | blank pages |
77r–81r | Liturgiae sacrae significatio mystica ab anonymo quodam explanata Coxe, Catalogi, c. 175 |
81v–83v | blank pages |
84r–87r | Georgii monachi, patriarchae Constantinopolitani, I, Apologia ad Ameram de fide Christiana Coxe, Catalogi, c. 175; Upper margin: "Iesus. Maria“ |
87r–90r | Receptae ad faciendum literas aureas Coxe, Catalogi, c. 175 |
90v–91v | blank pages |
92r–107v | Basilius Caesariensis, Liturgia divina CPG 2905 |
107v | Epigram Τῷ ἔχοντι καὶ γράψαντι Χριστέ μου σῶσον. Cf. DBBE |
108r–116r | Liturgia mysteriorum ante consecratorum Coxe, Catalogi, c. 176 |
116v–117v | blank pages |
118r–128v | Marinus Albertus, Theoria spiritualis Coxe, Catalogi, c. 176 |
129r–134v | blank pages |
135r–260r | Ps 1–150 Epigram: Δαυὶδ προφήτου καὶ βασιλέως μέλος. Cf. DBBE |
260r–261v | Od 1 |
261v–264r | Od 2 |
264r–265r | Od 3 |
265r–266r | Od 4 |
266v–267r | Od 5 |
267r–267v | Od 6 |
267v–269v | Od 7 |
269v–270r | Od 8 |
270r–271r | Od 9 Epigram: Τῷ ἔχοντι καὶ γράψαντι Χριστέ μου σῶσον. Cf. DBBE |
271v–273v | blank pages |
274r–283v | Symeon Thessalonicensis archiepiscopus, De scara liturgia PG 155, 263-304 |
284r–285v | blank pages |
286r–288r | Aristides Aelius, De Smyrna epistula ad imperatores Coxe, Catalogi, c. 176 |
288v–289v | Daniel Spanus Ephesinus mtr., Responsio ad quaestionem de affinitate in baptismo contracta Coxe, Catalogi, c. 176 |
290r–292v | blank pages |
Coxe, H., Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae, I, Oxford 1853 [repr. 1969], cols. 175–176.
Falconer, M. – Craster, H. H. E., Summary catalogue of western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, vol. 2.1: Collections received before 1660 and miscellaneous MSS. acquired during the first half of the 17th century, nos. 1–3490, Oxford 1922, p. 6.
Rahlfs, A., Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments, Berlin 1914 (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 2), p. 169.