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Ra 2004

Berlin, Staatliche Museen, Antiquarium, Miscellanea no. 8630 missing; probably destroyed by the war.
s. III/IV | Lead scroll (with a thickness of 0.3 cm), 1 f., 180 × 130 mm  Rahlfs: 160 × 120, 30 lines per page. | Majuscule. | Provenance: found on Rhodos, between Psythos and Maritza.
Ps. 79 (slightly mutilated). | Inscribed on one side; 30 lines; the beginnings of the lines are mostly missing with a loss of 1–5, mostly 1–2 letters; the ends of the lines are more mutilated, whereby lines 1–3 are broken off except for a few letters, otherwise mostly 2–7 letters are missing; probably complete in height, because line 1 begins indented with a cross sign before the beginning of the text; below the last line there is so much free space that another line can be ruled out; from the delimitation of the text it could be complete, but according to the finder's report, the piece is complete. 1 begins indented with a cross sign before the beginning of the text; there is so much free space below the last line that a further line can be ruled out; the piece could be complete in terms of text delimitation, but according to the finders’ report, the original dimensions were 50 × 40 cm; they would have cut off individual pieces to cast bullets for hunting; doubts about the representation are certainly justified, but it will at least remain uncertain whether the original extent of the text has actually been preserved. Irregular orthography; nomen sacrum spelling: θς, κς; engraved continuously, but line 10 not filled in after the end of the stichos. | Collation: LXXGot; not assigned to a text form
1 Ps. 79:2a init. – 16b εκρατεωσ[ας
Rahlfs, A.: Septuaginta–Studien. Herausgegeben von A. Rahlfs. 2. Heft. Der Text des Septuaginta–Psalters. Von A. Rahlfs. Nebst einem Anhang: Griechische Psalterfragmente aus Oberägypten nach Abschriften von W. E. Crum. Göttingen 1907, pp. 14. 103 („Rhod<sup>Blei</sup>“).
Turner, E. G.: The Typology of the Early Codex, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press 1977 (Haney Foundation Series 18), p. 119.
van Haelst, J.: Catalogue des papyrus litteraires juifs et chretiens: Publications de la Sorbonne, Serie "Papyrologie» – 1, Paris 1976, Nr. 177.
Fraenkel, D.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments von Alfred Rahlfs, Bd. I,1, Die Überlieferung bis zum VIII. Jahrhundert (Septuaginta, Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum. Supplementum I/1), Göttingen 22020, p. 42. 
Jalabert, Sp. 1743f. + fig. 2990.
Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments, für das Septuaginta–Unternehmen aufgestellt von A. Rahlfs. NGWG.PH 1914, Beiheft (= MSU II). Berlin 1914, p. 33.
von Gaertingen, H.: Über eine jüngst auf Rhodos gefundene Bleirolle, enthaltend den 80. Psalm: SPAW (1898), 2. Halbband, pp. 582–588 + pl. II.