Ra 2003
Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung (P. 5018, vermisst).
s. VII
| Papyrus, 1 f., 255 × 190
mm, 24 lines per page
the full number of lines, 24, preserved on both sides. However, the writing on the verso is badly damaged: nothing has survived from lines 15-18, only a few letters from lines 13-14 and 19. Some corrections by a second, but similar hand.
| Majuscule.
| Provenance: from the Fajum; purchased shortly before 1880; missing since 1945.
| 3 fragments of a codex leaf, assembled 25.5 × 19 cm; original format approx. 29 × 19 cm, cf. Turner, p. 173. Broad Byzantine script; regular orthography, but some itacisms; nomen sacrum spelling: ϑς, κς, possibly also ανος, εινης (line 19v., reconstructed); written in stichoi; initial letters of the verses in ekthesis and doubled in size. vHaelst writes „editio princeps du recto … par A. Rahlfs, Psalmi cum Odis, p. 71“; however, Rahlfs provides only a text-historical classification, no edition. A description of the leaf with collation of the recto in Blaß (BKT VIII), pp. 22–23.
| Collation: LXXGot (only from the recto), categorised there as a mixed text, cf. Psalmi cum Odis § 8.2
Content | |
1 | Ps. 39:16 κωμισ[ασ]θωσαν – 40:4b fin. (= Recto) 40:5a ελεησο]ν[με – 11 fin. |
Aland AT, 66.
Rahlfs, Sept.–Stud. 2 (1907), 18. 105 („BerlPap“).
Turner OT, 94.
Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments, für das Septuaginta–Unternehmen aufgestellt von A. Rahlfs. NGWG.PH 1914, Beiheft (= MSU II). Berlin 1914, 33.
vHaelst, Nr. 146.
Wevers I, 132.
BKT VIII, Nr. 9, S. 25–28.
Online Sources
Berliner Papyrusdatenbank