Ra 199
Modena, Biblioteca Estense Universitaria, Gr. α. M. 9. 02 (Puntoni 37). No diktyon: 43325.
| Parchment, 359 ff.
ff. 355 + 4 flyleaves, 180 × 130
1 col., 13 lines per page.
| Minuscule (Hodegon style) Allen, Notes, 7: "Large archaising hand, saec. XV".
| Provenance: A note attached to the last flyleaf reports that the manuscript was brought to Paris in October 1796 and was returned to the Biblioteca Estense only in October 1815. f. IIˈ: "Questo codice fu portato via dalla Biblioteca Estense il giorno 11 ottobre 1796 dai commissari francesi e fu ripreso a Parigi dai commissari di S. A. R. Francesco IV. Signori Antonio Lombardi bibliotecario ed Antonio Boccolari sotto il 21 ottobre 1815“.
Antonio Lombardi (1768-1847)
| Owners:
Alberto III Pio, lord of Carpi (1475–1531)
f. 1v, Ἀλβέρτου Πίου Καρπαίων, ἄρχοντας; On f. 1v traces of erasure can be noticed. By adding his note, Aberto Pio must have deleted the one previously written by Lorenzo Valla; cf. Puntoni, Indice, 405,
Giorgio Valla (1447–1500)
VGH, 70f; RGK III, 91. Marginal notes, cf. Puntoni, Indice, 405; Rahlfs, Verzeichnis, 139.
Psalms and Odes.
| Consists of two volumes bound together (I: ff. 1-167, quires α´- κα´; II: ff. 168-359, quires α´- κδ´). The manuscript begins with Psalm 1: the title is surrounded by a decorative frame. Another decorative headband is visible on f. 168r: Psalm 77.
| Text-type: L.
Content | |
2r–325v | Ps 1–150 |
325v–326v | Ps 151 |
327r–329v | Od 1 |
330r–337v | Od 2 |
337v–339v | Od 3 |
339v–342v | Od 4 |
342v–345r | Od 5 |
345r–346r | Od 6 |
346r–350v | Od 7 |
350v–353r | Od 8 |
353r–355r | Od 9 |
Allen, Th. W.: Notes on Greek manuscripts in Italian libraries, London 1890, 1–24: 7.
Puntoni, V.: Indice dei codici greci della Biblioteca Estense di Modena, in Studi italiani di filologia classica 4 (1896), 379–536, 404–405.
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments, Berlin 1914 (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 2), 138–139.