
Ra 1909

Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Theol. gr. 236. No diktyon: 71903.
a. 1369/1370 | Parchment, 361 ff., Cf. Hunger, 1 col., 21 lines per page. | Scribe: Δημήτριος Σκυλίτζης Μαλάκης  Σεβαστός, νομικός and νοτάριος in Corfu (PLP 16451). | Patron: Καστελὴς ὁ Ῥωμανόπουλος, metropolita di Corfù and βασιλικός συμβουλάτωρ  f. 359r. | Owners: Liber mei Ioannis Quirini mag(istr)i D(omi)ni Nicolai (358).  f. 358v, Iohannes Sambucus (1531-1584)  f. 328r, 346r, 358r (, Sebastian Tengnagel (1563-1636)  f. 6r, ex libris (
Written in the West since the Symbolum attached to the Ps. contained the later erased words καὶ ἐκ τοῦ υἱοῦ.
6r–21vPs, Excerpta, cum latina interpretatione
22r–361vVaria, Cf. Hunger, p. 122-124
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