
Ra 1909

Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Theol. gr. 236. No diktyon: 71903.
a. 1369/1370 | Parchment, 361 ff., Cf. Hunger, 1 col., 21 lines per page. | Scribe: Δημήτριος Σκυλίτζης Μαλάκης Σεβαστός, νομικός and νοτάριος in Corfu (PLP 16451). Καστελὴς ὁ Ῥωμανόπουλος, metropolita di Corfù and βασιλικός συμβουλάτωρ  f. 359r. | Owners: Liber mei Ioannis Quirini mag(istr)i D(omi)ni Nicolai (358).  f. 358v, Iohannes Sambucus (1531-1584)  f. 328r, 346r, 358r (, Sebastian Tengnagel (1563-1636)  f. 6r, ex libris (,
Written in the West since the Symbolum attached to the Ps. contained the later erased words καὶ ἐκ τοῦ υἱοῦ.
6r–21v Ps, Excerpta, cum latina interpretatione
22r–361v Varia, Cf. Hunger, p. 122-124
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