Ra 1905
Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, gr. Z. 536 (coll. 0654). No diktyon: 70007.
s. XIII-XIV: ff. 002r-439v; s. XV: ff. 001, 440-443
| Paper, 443 ff.,
1 col., 40/46 lines per page.
| Minuscule.
| Scribes:
A ff. 001r-224r, 253r-275r, 258v-281v lin 8.,
B ff. 224r-252v, 257v-258r, 281v-282r lin 7, 381r, 382r-439v.,
C ff. 282r lin. 8-380v, 381v,
D ff. 001, 440-443.
| Owner:
Βησσαρίων (1403-1472)
RGK I: 41; RGK II: 71, RGK III: 77.
Catena Nicetae in Psalmos.
| Defective at the beginning and damaged in several places by water. Folios 001, 440-443 were added later to integrate a lacuna. Decorated initial letters and verses of the psalms rubricated in red.
| Text-type: L.
Dereesse, R.: Les anciens commentateurs grecs des psaumes, Città del Vaticano 1970 (Studi e Testi, 264), 314, 334.
Dorival, G.: Les chaînes exégétiques grecques sur les psaumes, III, Leuven 1992, 512.
Karo, G. – Lietzmann, H.: Catenarum Graecraum Catalogus, Gottingen 1902 (NAWG: Philologisch–historisch), 34.
Mioni, E.: Bibliothecae D Marci Venetiarum, Codices Graeci Manuscripti. Volumen II: Thesaurus Antiquus. Codices 300–625, Roma 1985 (Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione: Indici e Cataloghi. Nuova Serie, VI), 430–431.