
Ra 1890

Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria di Torino, B.I.5 (Pasini 007) (“olim” B. IV. 7). No diktyon: 63625.
GA Number: 015.
s. XIII | Paper, 313 pages, 340 × 260 mm, 1 col., 43-56 lines per page. |  Minuscule (Fettaugen-Mode). | Owners: Hagion Oros, Monê Megistês Lauras, Γαβριὴλ Σεβῆρος μητροπολίτης τῆς Φιλαδελφείας (ante 1540-1616)  ff. 00I-0II of the manuscript Taur. gr. B.I. 23 were originally at the beginning of the ms. Taur. gr. B.I.5, then they were erroneously placed in the Taur. gr. B.I.23, probably during the restoration carried out after the fire of 1904, cf. Elia - Piccione (2020: 60-62). See also here. “Capo spirituale della Confraternita dei Greci di Venezia, nominato nel 1577 metropolita di Filadelfia, ma di stanza nella città lagunare”, cf. Eleuteri - Elia (2019) 84.
Cat. Nicetae in Ps. | The manuscript contained at the end two leaves written in “maiuscola biblica” (6th century), belonging to the so-called codex “H” of the Epistles of St. Paul, today dismembered into several parts preserved in different libraries (cf. Pinakes). A note in Italian, placed on the last flyleaf, warns that the ancient leaves have been removed from the codex after its restoration (post 1904) and stored in special containers. | Text-type: L (with one reading of B).
Nicetas Heracleensis, Catena in Psalmos Catena Typus VIII (Karo - Lietzmann, 1902: 32-25) CPG C021
Ps 1-150
Dobrynina, E.: “On the dating of Codex H (Epistles of the Apostle Paul)”, Cronier, M. – Mondrain, B. (eds.), Le livre manuscrit grec: écriture, matériaux, histoire. Actes du IXe Colloque international de Paléographie grecque (Paris, 10–15 septembre 2018), Paris 2021 (Travaux et mémoires, 24.1), 137–149, 138.
Duplacy, J.: “Manuscrits grecs du Nouveau Testament émigrés de la Grande Laure de l’Athos”, Treu, K. – Dummer, J. – Irmscher, J. – Paschke, F. (eds.), Studia Codicologica, Berlin 1977, 159–178, 164, 175–177.
Eleuteri, P. – Elia, E.: “Per un catalogo dei manoscritti greci della Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria di Torino”, Medioevo Greco 19 (2019), 83–92, 84 note nr. 6. 
Elia, E. – Piccione, R., “A Rediscovered Library. Gabriel Severos and His Books”, Piccione R., (ed.), Greeks, Books and Libraries in Renaissance Venice, Berlin – Boston 2020, 33–82, 52 n. 45, 59, 61, 62, 63.
Elliott, J.: A Bibliography of Greek New Testament Manuscripts, Third Edition, Leiden –Boston 2015 (Supplements to Novum Testamentum, 160), 79–80.
Omont, H.: Notice sur un très ancien manuscrit grec en onciales des Epîtres de saint Paul, conservé à la Bibiothèque nationale (H ad epistulas Pauli), Paris 1889, 8. 
Cosentini, F.: Inventari dei manoscritti delle biblioteche d’Italia, V. XXVIII, Firenze 1922, 13 (nr. 83). 
Dorival, G.: Les chaînes exégétiques grecques sur les psaumes, V. III, Leuven 1992, 509–515.
Gregory, C. R.: Textkritik des Neuen Testamentes, 3 vols, Leipzig 1900–1909, vol. I, 114–116. 
Karo, G. – Lietzmann, H.: Catenarum Graecaraum Catalogus, Gottingen 1902 (NAWG: Philologisch–historisch), 32–35.
Pasini, G.– Rivautella, A. – Berta, F.: Codices Manuscripti Bibliothecae Regii Taurinensis Athenaei Per Linguas digesti, & binas in partes distributi, in quarum Prima Hebraei, & Graeci, in altera Latini, Italici, & Gallici, Taurini 1749, 70 (nr. 7). 
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments, Berlin 1914 (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 2), 297.