
Ra 1883

Sinai, St. Catherine's Monastery, Sinaiticus gr. 550. No diktyon: 58925.
GA Number: l 896.
s. XIII-XIV | Parchment, 491 ff., 360 × 250 mm, 2 col., 73 (x2 cc.) lines per page. |  Minuscule (Archaizing hand). | Provenance: Unknown.
Psalms; Oktoechos; Menaion; Triodion; Lectionary. | This large format manuscript presents the texts written in two columns. In some places, the text has been rewritten by a later hand. There are decorative headbands, and the initial letters are rubricated in red.Text-type: L.
2r–16v Ps 1-150
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Gardthausen, V.: Catalogus codicum graecorum Sinaiticorum, Oxford 1886, 133. 
Gregory, C. R.: Textkritik des Neuen Testamentes, 3 vols, Leipzig 1900–1909, vol. III, 1248. 
Gregory, C. R.: Textkritik des Neuen Testamentes, 3 vols, Leipzig 1900–1909, vol. I, 450. 
Kamil, M.: Catalogue of all manuscripts of the Monastery of St. Catharine on Mount Sinai, Wiesbaden 1970, 93 (nr. 794). 
Parpulov, G.: Toward a History of Byzantine Psalters, Plovdiv 2014, Appendix B1. 
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914, 292.
Sarris, N.: Classification of finishing tools in Greek bookbinding: establishing links from the Library of St Catherine's Monastery, Sinai, Egypt, PhD Thesis, London, University of the Arts, 2010, Vol. III, 80.