Ra 1798
Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. gr. 1866. No diktyon: 68495.
s. XIV (Scriptura superior); s. X–XI (Scriptura inferior); s. XIV; XIV–XV
s. XIV: ff. 001-076r, 078r-203 (Scriptura superior); s. X-XI: ff. 014-077 (Scriptura inferior); s. XIV: ff.001r-004v; XIV-XV: ff. 076v-077v (Latin characters)
| Parchment (ff. 014-077); Paper (ff. 001-013, 078-203); Palimpsest (ff. 001-004, 014-077), 203 ff.
009-010, 136 × 97
1 col., 24–34 lines per page.
| Minuscule (Southern Italian hand);
Minuscule (ff. 076r-077v) Latin characters.
| Scribe:
Ἰωακεὶμ ἱερομόναχος τῶν Κασούλων (s. XV) or Gioacchino di Casole RGK II, 208; RGK III, 261. Annotations and additions on ff. 11–13, 96r, 118r, 171v, 199v, 203r–v. Scribal note on f. 203r, cf. Batiffol, (1891: 165); Devreesse (1955: 49); Re (2004: 109); Lucà (2006: 346).
| Provenance: Southern Italy. The manuscript was kept in the library of the Monastery of S. Filareto di Seminara (Gioia Tauro) in s. XVI. On f. 181r a note by a certain Giovanmaria Stendardo di Corigliano, dated 1579, proves that the manuscript was in the monastery at that time. Transcribed in Canart (1970: 403). .
Cf. Canart (1979: 84-85); Re (2004: 111)
Psalter (Scriptura superior); Dogmatica, chronologica et liturgica varia.
| The manuscript (partially rescriptus) contains various liturgical texts and the Psalms and Odes. Titles and initial letters are rubricated. There are some marginal notes in Latin.
| Text-type: L.
Content | |
1r–4r (Scriptura inferior) | Nicander Colophonius, Theriaca Nicandrea. Theriaca et Alexipharmaca recensuit et collegit, commentationes addidit Otto Schneider, Leipzig 1856, see here |
5r–7r | Officium defunctorum |
7v–8v | Blank |
11r | Cyclos solis et lunae |
12r | Sortes e psalterio |
12v | Prophetarum XXII elenchus BHG 1591p |
13r | Tabula Paschalis |
13v | Epigram |
14r | scr. sup.: Eusebius Caesariensis, Hypothesis, PG 23, 66C8 scr. inf. ff. 14–53: Menaea |
14v–17r | Eusebius Caesariensis, Argumenta in Psalmos, PG 23, 68-72 scr. inf. ff. 14–53: Menaea |
17v | Epigram scr. inf. ff. 14–53: Menaea |
18r–71r | Ps 1–150 scr. inf. ff. 14–53: Menaea; ff. 54–61: not decipherable; ff. 62–77: Menaea |
71v | Ps 151 with three Epigrams 1; 2; 3 |
71v–72r | Od 1 |
72r–73r | Od 2 with two Epigrams: Epigram f. 72r; Epigram f. 73r |
73r–73v | Od 3 with Epigram |
73v–74r | Od 4 |
74r | Od 5 with Epigram |
74r–74v | Od 6 |
74v | Od 11 |
74v–75r | Od 12 |
75r–75v | Od 8 with Epigram f. 75v |
75v–76r | Od 9 |
76r | Od 13 |
76r | Od 14 with Epigram |
76v–77v | Expositiones breves de articulis fidei |
78r–177v | Compendium officii |
178r–182v | blank pages with some later annotations and probationes pennae |
183r–199v | Excerpta ex officiis festorum |
200r–203v | blank pages with some later annotations and probationes pennae |
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