
Ra 1788

Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Borgian. gr. 2–4 (olim L. VI 2-4). No diktyon: 65155.
s. XVI | Paper, 894 ff., 293 × 197 mm, 1 col., 34 lines per page. | Owner: Cônstantinos-Cosmas Mavroudis (1643-1702).
The manuscript is divided into three different volumes (I: 1-288; II: 289-557; III: 558-894). Ff. 1r-42r contain a Prologue on the Psalm same as in Ra1706.
558r–850r Catena in Psalmos Catena Typus X (CPG C23)
850v–892rv Catena in Odas 1-9 (CPG C045-C046)
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Karo, G. – Lietzmann, H.: Catenarum Graecaraum Catalogus, Gottingen 1902 (NAWG: Philologisch–historisch), 35–37.