
Ra 175

London, British Library, Royal 2 A VI. No diktyon: 39764.
s. XII/1; XVI  s. XII/1: ff. 2–108, 110–117, 119–124, 126–161, 163–184, 186–303; s. XVI: ff. 1, 109, 118, 125, 162, 185 | Parchment (ff. 2–108, 110–117, 119–124, 126–161, 163–184, 186–303); Paper (ff. 1, 109, 118, 125, 162, 185), 303 ff., 138 × 90 mm, 1 col., 20/18 lines per page  20 lines: ff. 2–21; 18 lines: ff. 22–303. | Minuscule. | Scribe: Μιχαὴλ μοναχός. | Owner: John Theyer (1598–1673).
Psalms and Odes. | This Psalter is remarkable for its exceptionally small size and for the unusually large number of prefatory texts at the beginning. | Text-type: L.
2r–16r Prefaces
16r–21v Prayers End lost
22r–280r Ps 1–151
280v Poem on the Psalter
281r–303r Ode 1–9
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