Ra 1712
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Canon. gr. 114. No diktyon: 47664.
s. XII
s. XII (Parpulov and Crostini), s. XIII (Coxe and Rahlfs)
| Parchment, 264 ff., 110 × 80
1 col., 17–18 lines per page.
| Minuscule (Mimetic script).
| Provenance: Matteo Luigi Canonici Collection. After Canonici’s death, in 1805, the entire collection passes to his brother Giuseppe. The Collection was purchased by the Bodleian Library in 1817. Cf. Mortara. A., Catalogo dei manoscritti italiani che sotto la denominazione di Codici canoniciani italici si conservano nella biblioteca Bodleiana a Oxford, Oxford 1854.
| Owners:
Giuseppe Canonici (d. 1807),
Matteo Luigi Canonici (1727–1805)
Matteo Luigi Canonici. See also here on him.
Ps Od.
| The manuscript, a small-format Greek Psalter, contains titles rubricated in red and some marginal annotations in Latin. The Psalms are divided into καθίσματα and δόξαι. A more recent hand can be found on f. 1r–v and 122v. The last two folios have lost part of their outer upper margin.
| Text-type: L.
Content | |
1r–1v | Ps 1 Later hand |
2r–232v | Ps 2–150 |
232v–233r | Ps 151 |
233r–235r | Od 1 |
235r–240r | Od 2 |
240r–241v | Od 3 |
241v–243v | Od 4 |
243v–245r | Od 5 |
245r–246r | Od 6 |
246r–249v | Od 7 |
249v–250v | Od 8 |
250v–252v | Od 9 |
252r | Epigram |
252v–254r | Od 11 |
254r– 263r | Orationes ante et post communionem dicendae cf. Coxe |
264r–v | Blank |
Crostini, B.: “Perils of Travel or Joys of Heaven? Reconsidering the Traveling Hypothesis for Bodleian Library, MS E. D. Clarke 15 and the Function of Diminutive Manuscripts”, Manuscripta 63 (2019), 63–104, 78 note (nr. 35).
Coxe, H., O.: Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae, Oxonii 1853, c. 102.
Hunt, R.W. – Madan, F.: A summary catalogue of Western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the quarto series: with references to the Oriental and other manuscripts, vol. 4, Oxford 1897, 317 (nr. 18567).
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914, 171.