
Ra 1710

Oxford, Bodleian Library, Canon. gr. 37. No diktyon: 47587.
s. XV: ff. 001r-122v; a. 1546: ff. 123r-134v  f. 134v: scribal note | Paper, 134 ff., 1 col., ff. 001r-122v: 23; 123r: 6 lines per page. | Minuscule. | Scribe: Μανουὴλ Γαλησιώτης ὁ Κορίνθιος (d. 1549) VGH: 275; RGK I: 247. | Provenance: Matteo Luigi Canonici Collection. After Canonici’s death, in 1805, the entire collection passes to his brother Giuseppe. The Collection was purchased by the Bodleian Library in 1817. Cf. Mortara. A., Catalogo dei manoscritti italiani che sotto la denominazione di Codici canoniciani italici si conservano nella biblioteca Bodleiana a Oxford, Oxford 1854. | Owners: Giuseppe Canonici (d. 1807), Matteo Luigi Canonici (1727–1805)  Matteo Luigi Canonici. See also here on him.
Ps Od. | The manuscript presents decorated initial letters and an elegant headpiece opening the Psalms (f. 1r). Some variant readings were added in the margins. The codex was bound incorrectly and now some of its leaves are in disarray (see content).Text-type: L.
1r– 111v Ps 1-149:7b f. 001r: Epigram
112r–112v Od 1:5a-19e
112v–115v Od 2
115v–116r Od 3
116r–117v Od 4
117v–118r Od 5
118r–118v Od 6
118v–120v Od 7
120v–121v Od 8
121v Od 9:1-7a
122r Ps 149:8a-150:6b
122r–v 151
122v Od 1:1a-4c “Cantica sacra, cum titulis versu expressis iambico”, Coxe, cc. 40-41. Cf. DBBE
123r–v Od 9:70-79:a Later integration
123v–134r Tabulae astronomicae
134v Scribal note
Mortara. A., Catalogo dei manoscritti italiani che sotto la denominazione di Codici canoniciani italici si conservano nella biblioteca Bodleiana a Oxford, Oxford 1854. 
Coxe, H., O.: Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae, Oxonii 1853, 40–41. 
Hunt, R.W. – Madan, F.: A summary catalogue of Western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the quarto series: with references to the Oriental and other manuscripts, Oxford 1897, 315 (nr. 18490). 
Rahlfs, A., Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914, 170.