
Ra 1702

Oxford, Bodleian Library, Auct. E. 1. 5 (Misc. 19). No diktyon: 46985.
s. XVI | Paper, 307 ff.  ff. 118, 222, 238v, 268, 287v, 288, 307 are blank, 1 col., 30-38 lines per page  The number of the lines changes according to the scribe. | Minuscule (Renaissance Hands). | Scribes: Βερναρδῖνος ὁ Σάνδρος ὁ Κρεμοναῖος (s. XVI) A, Gentianus Hervetus (1499-1584) B, Βερνάρδος ὁ Φελικιανὸς (ca. 1490-1552) C, Κωνσταντῖνος Μεσοβώτης (s. XVI) D, Unknown E, Δημήτριος Ζῆνος (s. XVI) F. | Owner: Cardinal Reginald Pole (1500-1558)  Archbishop of Canterbury. After his death, all of his manuscripts were acquired by New College (Oxford). Cf. Woolfson, Reginald Pole, 79-95.
Catena in Psalmos. | The codex represents the second part of a manuscript divided into three volumes of which the first is Ms. Ra 1713, while the third volume has been lost. Ra 1702 was written by six different scribes, five of which were identified in 1931 by Lobel. The names of the exegetes are rubricated; there are some marginal annotations; on ff. 119r-134v (Scribe C) and 289r-306v (Scribe F) the initial letters are decorated rubricated. | Text-type: L.
1r–306v Ps 68:8–103:14 With some small lacunae: “On Remarque qu’il existe une lacune des quelques versets entre le deux tomes […]”, Dorival, Les chaînes exégétiques, I, p. 246 (nr. 9)
Canart, P., “Scribes grecs de la Renaissance. Additions et corrections aux répertoires de Vogel–Gardthausen et de Patrinélis”, in Scriptorium 17 (1963) 56–82, 62. 
Chatzopoulou, V., “Reginald Pole, Bernardino Sandro et Dimitrios Zinos: à propos du modèle de l’édition princeps des Ascétiques de Saint Basile par Stefano Nicolini da Sabbio (Venise, 1535)”, in Cronier, M. – Mondrain, B. (eds.), Le livre manuscrit grec: écriture, matériaux, histoire. Actes du IXe Colloque international de Paléographie grecque (Paris, 10–15 septembre 2018), Paris 2021 (Travaux et mémoires, 24.1) 755–782, 764.
Dorival, G., Les chaînes exégétiques grecques sur les psaumes, I, Leuven 1986, 246.
Kinzig, W., In search of Asterius: Studies on the Authorship of the Homilies on the Psalms, Göttingen 1990 (Forschungen zur Kirchen– und Dogmengeschichte, 47), 75.
Lobel, E., “Cardinal Pole’s Manuscripts”, in Proceedings of the British Academy 17 (1931) 97–101, 4 plates.
Martinelli Tempesta, S., “Alcune riflessioni sulla produzione scritta di Costantino Mesobote da codici Ambrosiani”, in Brockmann, C. – Deckers, D. – Harlfinger, D., – Valente, S. (eds.), Griechisch–byzantinische Handschriftenforschung, Berlin – Boston 2020, 215–232, 230.
Papanicolaou, M., “Identificazione del dotto copista anonimo di un manipolo di manoscritti greci databili al decennio 1526–1535: Francesco Porto”, in Rendiconti dell'Accademia dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze morali, storiche e filologiche IX.21 (2010) 427–489, 453 note nr. 82.
Pietrobelli, A., “Une nouvelle copie d'impression de l'Aldine de Galien: le Guelferbytanus Gud. gr. 11 (= 4198)”, in Galenos 7 (2013) 137–149, 142.
Vanderschelden, L., “Two Alleged Witnesses of the Catena of the Paris Psalter: Vaticani graeci 617 and 1519”, in Sacris Erudiri 57 (2018) 403–437, 406–407.
Woolfson, J., “Reginald Pole and his Greek manuscripts in Oxford: a reconsideration”, in The Bodleian Library Record 17 (2000) 79–95, 81, 92 note nr. 25.
Coxe, H., O., Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae pars prima, Oxonii 1853, 630 (Misc. 19). 
Karo G., – Lietzmann, H., Catenarum graecarum catalogus, Göttingen 1902 (Nachrichten von der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Philologisch–historische Klasse), 65.
Madan, F., A Summary Catalogue of Western Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, III, Oxford 1895, 312 (nr. 2328). 
Mühlenberg, E., Psalmenkommentare aus der Katenenüberlieferung, III, Berlin–New York 1978 (Patristische Texte un Studien), 23–25.
Rahlfs, A., Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914, 164.