Ra 168
London, British Library, Harley 5570. No diktyon: 39533.
s. XIII/2; XV
s. XIII/2: ff. 15–232; s. XV: ff. 1–14
| Parchment (ff. 15-232); Paper (ff. 1-14), 232 ff., 150 × 120
1 col., 17 lines per page
ff. 1-14.
| Minuscule (Archaizing hand) ff. 15-232.
| Owner:
John Covel (1688–1722).
Psalms and Odes.
| Text-type: L.
Pattie, T. S., McKendrick, S.: Summary Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts in the British Library, I, London 1999, 113–114.