Ra 1651
| Parchment (ff. 3r-124v); Paper (ff. 1r-2v, 125r-126v), 126 ff., 230 × 170
1 col., 30 lines per page.
| Minuscule (“Minuscola barocca otrantina”, cf. Arnesano (2010:38)).
| Scribe:
Nicola di Gallipoli (so called) Attribution by Elisabetta Sciarra. See here and here; cf. D’Aiuto (2020:21); Arnesano (2012:387 nr. 1).
| Provenance: Southern Italy. Gallipoli (?).
| Owners:
Nikolaos Karatzas (s. XVIII)
Phanariote scholar and bibliophile; cf. Papazoglou,
Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827)
Frederick North,
Acquired from the library of Richard Hebe in 1836, lot 1248.
Catena in Psalmos.
| The manuscript, defective at the beginning and at the end, presents an intertextual Catena to the psalms (77-103). The initial letters are decorated; each verse of the psalms starts with a letter rubricated in red or in blue. The scribe is always the same and seems to be the so-called Nicola di Gallipoli who also wrote other mss such as the Vind. suppl. gr. 37, the Angel. gr. 122 etc. (attribution by E. Sciarra). Heavily damaged by water and mold, f. 124 is reduced to a small fragment.
| Text-type: L.
Content | |
1r–126v | Ps 77–103 |
Arnesano, D.: “Nota sui manoscritti di Monaco, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Graeci 272 e 320”, Cherubini, P. – Nicolaj, G. (eds.), Sit liber gratus, quem seruulus est operatus. Studi in onore di Alessandro Pratesi per il suo 90° compleanno, Città del Vaticano 2012 (Littera Antiqua, 19), 387–400, 387 nr. 1.
D’Aiuto, F.: “Frammenti da recupero codicologico, dalle Carte del card. Giovanni Mercati (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana)”, Lucà S. (ed), Manoscritti italogreci: nuove tessere di un mosaico frammentario, Roma 2020 (Quaderni di Νέα Ῥώμη, 7), 153–226, 213 nr. 21.
Papazoglou, K.: “Manuscrits inconnus de Nikolaos Karatzas dans les Bibliothèques du Mont Athos (Manuscrits de Dorothée Voulismas)”, Codices Manuscripti 30 (2000), 35–38.
Papazoglou, K.: “Χειρόγραφα τοῦ Νικολάου Καρατζᾶ εἰς τὴν βιβλιοθήκην τοῦ Βρεττανικοῦ Μουσείου (ἄλλοτε χειρόγραφα Guilford)”, Ἐπετηρὶς τῆς Ἑταιρείας Βυζαντινῶν Σπουδῶν 49 (1994–1998), 252–253, nr. 14.
Cataldi Palau, A.: “Manoscritti greci originari dell' Italia meridionale nel fondo "Additional" della "British Library" a Londra”, Studies in Greek Manuscripts, Spoleto 2008 (Testi, Studi, Strumenti, 24), 347 nr. 6, 444 nr. 1.
Dorival, G.: Les chaînes exégétiques grecques sur les psaumes, III, Leuven 1992, 502–503.