Ra 1589
Grottaferrata, Biblioteca Statale del Monumento Nazionale di Grottaferrata, Β.α. LVIII (231). No diktyon: 17593.
s. XII (Lucà)
| Paper, 154 ff., 350 × 220
1 col., 29 lines per page.
| Minuscule (Southern Italy hand).
| Provenance: Southern Italy.
Greek Psalter.
| Defective at the beginning and the end and heavily damaged. Starting from f. 131, the leaves have lost most of their lower margins. This manuscript also transmits a Catena attributable to Nicetas Heracleensis, like A. γ. II. On f. 95v, there is a not easily decipherable monocondylion, already reported by Rocchi in his catalogue (p. 134).
Content | |
1r–154v | Nicetas Heracleensis, Catena in Psalmos Catena Typus VIII (Catena Nicetae), Karo - Lietzmann (1902: 33); CPG C021 |
Dorival, G.: Les chaînes exégétiques grecques sur les Psaumes: contribution à l'étude d'une forme littéraire, T. 3, Leuven 1992 (Spicilegium sacrum Lovaniense: études et documents, 45)., 499, 513, 515.
Lucà, S.: “Su origine e datazione del Crypt. B. β.VI (ff. 1–9)”, L. Perria (ed.), Tra Oriente e Occidente. Scritture e libri greci fra le regioni orientali di Bisanzio et l’Italia, Roma 2003 (Testi e Studi Bizantino–Neoellenici, 14), 145–224, 207.