
Ra 1583

Grottaferrata, Biblioteca Statale del Monumento Nazionale di Grottaferrata, A. γ. VII. No diktyon: 17533.
a. 1329  A. M. 6837, f. 153r: scribal note. Transcription in Turyn (1972: 172) | Parchment (ff. 1r-174v); Paper (ff. I, I’-II’), 174 ff., 265 × 205 mm, 1 col., 21 lines per page. |  Minuscule (Style de Reggio). | Scribe: Νήφωνος  Ieromonk of the Monstery of st. Nikolaos of Ἐλαφικόν. VGH 334c; PLP: VIII.20650. See also DBBE. | Provenance: Sicily. Monstery of st. Nikolaos of Ἐλαφικόν. Raccuja, Val Demone (Messina), cf. Turyn (1972: 172-173).
Greek Psalter. | The manuscript is a Greek psalter that contains the Psalms and the Odes followed by some prayers. The initial letters are decorated; the titles of the psalms are rubricated in red. The initial letters of the στίχοι are rubricated in red and blue, or in red. Some marginal notes in Greek are visible. In some places the ink seems to have been repainted. | Text-type: L.
1r–153r Ps 77–150 f. 75r (end of Ps 77) Epigram, cf. Parpulov (2014: 229)
153v Ps 151
154r–155r Od 1
155r–158v Od 2
158v–159v Od 3
159v–161r Od 4
161r–162r Od 5
162r–163r Od 6
163r–165v Od 7
165v–166r Od 8
166v–167r Od 9
167v–174r Prayers and Hymns; Epigram on f. 172v
BatIffol. P.: L’abbaye de Rossano. Contribution à l'histoire de la Vaticane, Paris 1891, 97, 165. 
Lucà, S.: “Teodoro Sacerdote, copista del Reg. gr. Pii II 35. Appunti su scribi e committenti di manoscritti greci”, Bollettino della Badia greca di Grottaferrata 55 (2001), 127–163, 155 & n. 124.
Parpulov, G.: Toward a History of Byzantine Psalters ca. 850–1350 AD, Plovdiv 2014, 54, 229, Appendix B1. 
Rodriquez, M.: “Manoscritti cartacei del fondo del S. Salvatore”, Rivista di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici 43 (2006), 177–259, 221.
Devreesse, R.: Les manuscrits grecs de l'Italie méridionale: (histoire, classement, paléographie), Città del Vaticano 1955 (Studi e Testi, 183), 42. 
Lucà, S., Canart, P.: Codici greci dell'Italia meridionale, Roma 2000 (the description of the ms. A. γ. VII is edited by Lidia Perria), 141.
Lucà, S.: Manoscritti "rossanesi" conservati a Grottaferrata: Mostra in occasione del Congresso internazionale su S. Nilo di Rossano (Rossano 28 sett.–1 ott. 1986): Catalogo, Grottaferrata 1986, 67–68.
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914, 74. 
Turyn, A.: Dated Greek Manuscripts of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries in the Libraries of Italy, 2 voll., Urbana–Chicago–London, 1972, 64, 172–174, Plates 139, 246c.
Online sources