Ra 156
Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, A. VII. 3. No diktyon: 8908.
s. IX
| Parchment (1–99v); Paper (I–IV), 99 ff., 230 × 170
1–2 col.
1 col. (f. 1v; ff. 4r–97v); 2 cols. (ff. 2r–3v; 98r–99r), 19–42 lines per page
f. 1v: 19 lines; ff. 2r–3v: 30 lines; ff. 4r–97v: 19–21 lines; ff. 98r–99r: 38–42 lines.
| Minuscule (Irish ductus).
| Scribes:
Marcellus-Moengal f. 23r: hucusque scripsi. Hinc incipit ad Marcellum nunc,
Several hands The scribe defined "c" seems to be the same one who wrote the Codex Bernensis 363 surely produced in Bobbio.
| Provenance: St. Gallen or Bobbio.
Cf. Rahlfs, Verzeichnis, 25; Staubach, Sedulius, 593–594
| Owner:
Amerbach family
The manuscript is mentioned between 1628 and 1630 in the catalog of the Amerbach family prepared by Konrad Pfister (1576–1636).
Psalterium graecolatinum Hibernicum.
| The manuscript presents the Greek psalms with Latin interlinear translation (Vulgate). The codex has lost its final folios; after f. 97v, ff. 98 and 99 were added later. Titles of the psalms are rubricated in bright red; initials decorated in yellow and orange, and sometimes in yellow, orange and green (e.g. f. 29v). Glosses in Latin and Greek placed in the margins; modern annotations (f. 99r) and some probationes calami (ff. 98r, 99r); several misspellings in Greek.
| Text-type: L.
Content | |
1r–3v | Devotions in Latin for private use For further information, see here |
4r–97v | Ps 1:1–146:2 |
98r–99v | Excerpta from Ambrosius and Fulgentius. added later |
Radiciotti, P.: Manoscritti digrafici grecolatini e latinogreci nell'alto medioevo, in Römische Historische Mitteilungen 40 (1998), 49–118, 73, n. 3.
Rahlfs, A.: Der Text des Septuaginta–Psalters, in Septuaginta Studien 2 (1907), 7, 58–59, 95–97.
Rettig, H. Ch. M.: Antiquissimus quatuor Evangeliorum canonicorum Codex Sangallensis Graeco–latinus interlinearis nunquam adhuc collatus, Zürich 1836.
Staubach, N.: Sedulius Scottus und die Gedichte des Codex Bernensis 363, in Frühmittelalterliche Studien 20 (1986), 549–598.
Bischoff, B.: Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des neunten Jahrhunderts (mit Ausnahme der wisigotischen), Bd. 1, Wiesbaden 1998, I, 56–57, n. 255.
Omont, H.: Catalogue des manuscrits grecs des bibliothèques de Suisse: Bâle, Berne, Einsiedeln, Genève, St. Gall Schaffhouse et Zürich, Leipzig 1886, 385–453: 389, nr. 3.
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 2), Berlin 1914, 25.