Ra 1543
Mt. Athos, Χιλιανταρίου, 4 (Lampros 225). No diktyon: 19809.
s. XI: ff. 1r-2v, 108r-111v; s. XII: ff. 3r-42v, 44r-107v (ff. 99r-107v were written by two different contemporary hands); s. XVI: f. 43r-v
| Parchment (ff. 1-42, 44-111); Paper (f. 43), 111 ff., 230 × 160
1 col., 20 lines per page.
| Minuscule (Comnenian hand) ff. 3r-42v, 44r-98r (Parpulov 2014: Appendix B1).
| Scribe:
Ἰωάννης, μοναχός VGH 208.
| Patron:
Γεράσιμος, μοναστής
VGH 208.
| Provenance: Mount Athos.
Psalms and Odes.
| Parpulov dated the manuscript to the 12th century, whereas Lampros and Rahlfs dated it to the 13th c. Several of the pictures of the consulted microfilm were black and not readable.
| Text-type: L.
Online Sources
Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams (DBBE)