Ra 152
Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, gr. I 32 (coll. 436). No diktyon: 70128.
a. 1080 ca.
At the beginning of the manuscript there are some Easter tables, on one of them it is possible to read the date 6591 which corresponds to the year 1083 (cf. Grumel, V., Traité d'études byzantines: La chronologie, V. 1, Paris 1958, 256). Cf. Mingarelli, Graeci codices, 30; Rahlfs, Verzeichnis, 1304. On the verso of the third paper flyleaf there is a Latin description in wich we can read the date 1084.
| Paper (ff. I–V, I’–V'); Parchment (ff. VI–IX, 1–206), 206 ff.
The manuscript has a double numbering: the first begins with the first paper flyleaf. According to this numbering there are 214 folios in total; the second instead starts from the first Easter table. According to this second numbering the folios are 206 in total. Two folios are numbered in the same way: 11. Therefore, the amount of folios is 208., 130 × 111
1 col., 17 lines per page.
| Minuscule (Perlschrift) Text;
Majuscule (maiuscola liturgica) Titles.
| Scribe:
Νικόλαος Βαρδανός or Βαρδάνης, (s. XI) VGH, 345. f. VIIIr, εγω νηκολετος βαρδας εγραψα τα παροντα γραμματα.
| Owner:
Giacomo Nani (1725–1797)
On f. 1r is written the number 25 which corresponds to the ancient shelf mark of the Bibliotheca Naniana. Cf. Mingarelli, Graeci codices, pp. 29-31. On Giacomo Nani see here.
Psalmi et Odae cum prologis et argumentis.
| Small manuscript (pocket format) defective at the beginning and the end. Initials and the titles are rubricated in gold. The epigrams are written in "maiuscola liturgica" and entirely in gold. There are some decorative headpieces in Blütenblattstil. The δόξα, καθίσματα, and στίχοι are marked throughout.
| Text-type: L.
Content | |
1–3v (10r–12v) | Tabulae paschales |
4r–12r (13r–21r) | Johannes Chrysostomus, Proemia in Psalmos 1-2 CPG 4542 |
12v–19r (21v–28r) | Eusebius Caesariensis, Prolegomena in Psalmos PG 23, 66-72; Pitra, J. B., Analecta sacra spicilegio solesmensi parata, vol. 2, Paris 1884, 412–413 |
19v (28v), lin. 1 | Eusebius Caesariensis, Commentarii in Psalmos Ὑπόθεσις Εὐσεβίου εἰς τὸ διάψαλμα. CPG 3467 |
20v (29v) | Epigramma in Psalterium Pitra, J. B., Analecta sacra Spicilegio Solesmensi parata, vol. 2, Paris 1884, pp. 440-441; Parpulov, Toward a History, p. 216 |
21r (30r) | Epigramma in Psalterium Pitra, J. B., Analecta sacra Spicilegio Solesmensi parata, vol. 2, Paris 1884, pp. 440-441; Parpulov, Toward a History, p. 217 |
21v (30v) | Blank |
22r–202r (31r–210r) | Ps 1–150 |
202r–v (210r–v) | Ps 151 |
203r–204v (211r–212v) | Od 1 |
204v–206v (212v–214v) | Od 2:1a–25c |
Meesters, R./Praet, R./Bernard, F./Demoen, K.: Makarios’ cycle of epigrams on the Psalms Bodleian Baroccianus 194, in Byzantinische Zeitschrift 109 (2016), 837–860, 842.
Parpulov, G.: Toward a History of Byzantine Psalters ca. 850–1350 AD, Plovdiv 2014, 216–217, fig. 1.
Castellani, G.: Catalogus codicum Graecorum qui in Bibliothecam D. Marci Venetiarum inde ab anno MDCCXL ad haec usque tempora inlati sunt, Venetiis 1895, 115–117, nr. 60.
Mingarelli, G. L.: Graeci codices manu scripti apud Nanios patricios Venetos asservati, Bonon 1784, 29–31, nr. 25.
Mioni, E.: Bibliothecae Divi Marci Venetiarum, Codices Graeci Manuscripti, I, Codices in classes a prima usque ad quintam inclusi, 1, Classis I – Classis II, codd. 1–120, Roma 1967, 40–41.
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 2), Berlin 1914, 304.
Online Sources