
Ra 1301

Sinai, St. Catherine's Monastery, New Finds, ΜΓ 24, ff. 1–2, 4–16. No diktyon: 61062.
s. VII–VIII | Parchment, 15 ff., 158 × 115 mm, 1 col., 27 lines per page. | Majuscule (“biblical majuscule”).
Psalms. | The lower text in this palimpsest codex (of which Sinai New Finds ΜΓ 15 also seems to form part) was first noted by Géhin and Frøyshov. Some of it is easily legible from the photographs published on-line: Ps 10:1–11:6 on f. 4r-v and Ps 17:5–17 on f. 7r-v.
Géhin, P./Frøyshov, S.: “Nouvelles découvertes sinaïtiques: à propos de la parution de l’inventaire des manuscrits grecs”, Revue des études byzantines 58 (2000), 167–184, 171. 
Nikolopoulos, P.,: The New Finds of Sinai, Athens 1999, 146, pl. 60.