
Ra 13

Oxford, Bodleian Library, Auct. D.4.1. No diktyon: 46972.
GA Number: l 1346.
a. 950  paschal table on f. 34v | Parchment, 318 ff., 230 × 165 mm, 1 col., 34 lines per page  incl. full-page commentary. | Majuscule (vertical pointed majuscule)  biblical text; Minuscule (bouletée prefaces and commentary. | Scribe: Ἄνθιμος PmbZ 20460, RGK I 21. | Patrons: Εὐθύμιος  PmbZ 21936, poem on f. 36v, Γεώργιος  PmbZ 22138, poem on f. 36v.
Psalms and Odes with commentary. | The full-page commentary to the Psalms is supplemented with marginal notes; many of these have been damaged by trimming.Text-type: L.
1r–29r prefaces
29v–34v astronomica
35r–36v verses
37r–38v Credo, Verses, Lord’s Prayer, Makarismoi, Short Commentary on the Psalms by St. Athanasios
39r–299v Ps 1–150 with catena commentary CPG C14
300r–v Ps 151
301r–309r Ode 1–6 with catena commentary CPG C45
309r–v Ode 11
309v–315r Ode 12, 7–9, 13–14 with catena commentary CPG C45
315r–318v vesperal hymns and prayers
Agati, M. L.: La minuscola “bouletée”, Vatican City 1992, 32–33, 345.
Dorival, G.: Les chaînes exégétiques grecques sur les Psaumes: Contribution à l'étude d'une forme littéraire, II, Leuven 1989, 84–126.
Faulhaber, J.: “Eine wertvolle Oxforder Handschrift”, in: Theologische Quartalschrift 83 (1901), 218–232. 
Parpulov, G.: Toward a History of Byzantine Psalters, ca. 850–1350 AD, Plovdiv 2014, 61, 63, 94–102, 152, 157, 169, 173, 217, 223, 228, 234–237, 316–319. 
Ševčenko, I.: “Captions to a David Cycle in the Tenth–Century Oxford Auct. D.4.1”, in: C. Scholz/G. Makris (eds.), Πολύπλευρος νοῦς: Miscellanea für Peter Schreiner zu seinem 60. Geburtstag, Munich 2000, 324–341.
Wallraff, M.: “The Canon Table of the Psalms: An Unknown Work of Eusebius of Caesarea”, in: Dumbarton Oaks Papers 67 (2013), 1–14.
Coxe, H. O.: Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae pars prima recensionem codicum Graecorum continens, Oxford 1853, cols. 621–624 (Misc. 5). 
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 2), Berlin 1914, 163–164.