
Ra 1279

London, British Library, Additional 61891 G. No diktyon: 39256.
s. XIII ex  cf. Parpulov | Parchment, 2 ff., 160 × 117 mm, 1 col., 20 lines per page. |  Minuscule (“Archaizing Hand”).
Psalms (fragm.). | The titles and initial letters are written in red ink and traced over with gold. The beginning of a new verse is indicated by dots in red ink, traced over with gold. | Text-type: L.
43r–43v Ps 22:5d–24:1a
44r–44v Ps 27:5a–28:9b
Parpulov, G.: Toward a History of Byzantine Psalters, ca. 850–1350 AD, Plovdiv 2014, Appendix B1.
Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts. New series, 1981–1985, Pt. 1, London 1994, 2.
Pattie, T. S., McKendrick, S.: Summary Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts in the British Library, I, London 1999, 274 (“s. XI”).