
Ra 1271

Cambridge (USA), Houghton Library, gr. 3. No diktyon: 12290.
AD 1104/5 | Parchment, 290 ff. (numbered 1-187, 187bis, 188-289), 232 × 178 mm, 1 col., 21–22 lines per page. | Minuscule (Perlschrift).
1r–7v Prefaces
9r–215v Ps 1–151 with three troparia and a prayer at each kathisma
172v–174v Ode 12
184v Ode 11 end lost
217r–232v Ode 1–9
233r–261v Book of Hours
262r–281v Church calendar
282r–289v Paschal calculations
Anderson, J.C/Parenti, S.: A Byzantine Monastic Office, A.D. 1105, Washington DC 2016.
Kavrus–Hoffmann, N.: “Catalogue of Greek Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Collections of the United States of America (V.1)”. Manuscripta 54 (2010), 64–147, 85–102.