Ra 1270
Bucharest, Biblioteca Academiei Române, gr. 931. No diktyon: 11005.
Istanbul, Πατριαρχικὴ βιβλιοθήκη, Παναγία 9. No diktyon: 33654.
s. X
s. X according to Kouroupou/Géhin, vol. 1, p. 79; s. XI according to Richard, vol. 3, Article N° 69, p. 101; Mühlenberg, vol. 3, p. 26; Geerard/Noret, vol. 4, pp. 270–271; s. XIV according to Camariano, p. 33
| Parchment, 343 + 44 ff.
the codex contained originally 430 ff. according to Marcel Richard, cf. Kouroupou/Géhin, vol. 1, p. 80, 320 × 225
mm 310 × 220: Bucharest part; 335 × 230: Istanbul part (text area: 240 x 145 mm), 37 lines per page.
| Minuscule (s. X) catena;
Minuscule (s. XIV) many marginal notes in both parts (Bucharest, Istanbul); mentioned by Camariano, p. 38; no mention of it in the description by Kouroupou/Géhin;
Majuscule (Auszeichnungsschrift) psalm headings, partly also the lemma text, e.g. f. 160v; 162r.
| Provenance: Today, the manuscript is divided between two libraries: Bucharest and Istanbul. The main part of the manuscript, originally in the Patriarchal Library in Istanbul, was sold to the Romanian Academy in Bucharest on March 4, 1921 by the antiquarian I. Fogel (cf. the Romanian note on the flyleaf of the Bucharest part: "cumparat de la I. Fogel anticar, la 4 Martie 1921").
Cat. in Ps. (Karo-Lietzmann Type VI; CPG C 19); only witness of the Catena Palestinensis which has preserved Ps. 8 (Ra 1121 is lacunar).
| The beginning and end are missing. Continuous counting of quaternions. The Istanbul part consists of the quaternions 46-47, 50-51 as well as two leaves of quire 52 with the end of the explanation of Ps. 46. The Bucharest part has been trimmed all around, so that the marginal notes (s. XIV), which come from a later hand, have been partially cut off (e.g. ff. 4v, 6v, 10r, passim). Missing parts of the parchment in the Bucharest part have been repaired with paper; modern restoration measures have been carried out improperly (e.g. ff. 1r-2r, passim). Each folio of the Bucharest part is stamped by a stamp-happy librarian with an ownership note ("Biblioteca Academiei Române"), the foliation is also stamped throughout. Heavy soiling (black mould?) on f. 263v-264r. Loss of folios between f. 209 and 210; f. 248 and f. 249.
| Text-type: L.
Mühlenberg, E.: Psalmenkommentare aus der Katenenüberlieferung, vol. 3, Untersuchungen zu den Psalmenkatenen (PTS 19), Berlin et al. 1978, 26–27, 131 (R, RI).
Richard, M.: Opera minora, vol. 3, Turnhout et al. 1977, Article N° 69, 101–102 (N° 39).
Camariano, N.: Biblioteca Academiei Române, Catalogul manuscriselor grecești, vol. 2, Bucharest 1940, 33–38 (Bucharest part).
Geerard, M./ Noret, J.: Clavis Patrum Graecorum, vol. 4, Concilia, Catenae (Corpus Christianorum), Turnhout 22018, 270–271 (C 19).
Kouroupou, M./ Géhin, P.: Catalogue des manuscrits conservés dans la bibliothèque du Patriarcat œcuménique. Les manuscrits du monastère de la Panaghia de Chalki, vol. 1, Notices descriptives, Turnhout 2008, 79–80 (Istanbul part).
Kouroupou, M./ Géhin, P.: Catalogue des manuscrits conservés dans la bibliothèque du Patriarcat œcuménique. Les manuscrits du monastère de la Panaghia de Chalki, vol. 2, Illustrations, Turnhout 2008, pl. 13 (Istanbul part, f. 10r).
Tsakopoulos, A.: Περιγραφικὸς κατάλογος τῶν χειρογράφων τῆς Βιβλιοθήκης τοῦ Οἰκουμενικοῦ Πατριαρχείου. Τόμος Α’. Τμῆμα χειρογράφων Παναγίας Καμαριωτίσσης, Istanbul 1953, 27 (Istanbul part).