Ra 1214
Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Append.II 113. No diktyon: 70275.
s. XII
| Parchment, 350 ff., 150 × 100
1 col., 17 lines per page.
| Minuscule (Komnenian hand) see Parpulov 2014.
| Scribe:
Νεόφυτος ἀρχιδιάκονος (17th c.) f. 349r-v.
| Patron:
Γαβριὴλ Σεβῆρος, μητροπολίτης τῆς Φιλαδελφείας
see f. 349v.
The manuscript contains prognostic sentences in the lower margins.
Content | |
1r–3v | List of Church offices by a later hand |
4r–4v | Troparion by a later hand, inc. “Δεῦτε λαοὶ τὴν τρισυπόστατον θεότητα” |
5r–49r | Troparia, inc. “Ἐν ἀνομίαις συλληφθείς” |
49v–50r | Blank |
50v | Miniature of the Virgin Kyriotissa |
51r | Blank |
51v | Miniature of David and the personified Synesis |
52r | Blank |
52v | Miniature of David |
53r–190v | Ps 1–76 |
191r | Blank |
191v | Miniature of Moses receiving the Law |
192r–318r | Ps 77-151 |
318v | Miniature of Moses closing the Red Sea |
319r–321v | Ode 1 |
321v–327v | Ode 2 |
327v–329r | Ode 3 |
329r–331v | Ode 4 |
331v–333v | Ode 5 |
333v–334v | Ode 6 |
334v–337r | Ode 7 |
337r–340v | Daniel 3:46-51 and Ode 8 |
341r | Miniature of the Theotokos with Elisabeth |
341r–343r | Ode 9 |
343r–344v | Ode 11 |
345r–347r | Ode 12 |
347v–348v | Ode 14 |
349r–349v | Ps 77 written in 1610 by Neophytos |
Cutler, A., The Aristocratic Psalters in Byzantium, Paris 1984, 88–89.
Parpulov, G., Toward a History of Byzantine Psalters, ca. 850–1350 AD, Plovdiv 2014, Appendix B1.
Mioni, E., Bibliothecae Divi Marci Venetiarum codices graeci manuscripti. Volumen I, Pars prior: Classis I – Classis II, Codd. 1–120, Roma 1967, 335–336.