
Ra 1208

Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria di Torino, B. VII. 30 (Pasini 342). No diktyon: 63820.
Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare, CXIX. No diktyon: 70762.
GA Number: l 1352.
s. VIII–IX | Parchment, 203 ff., 150 × 100 mm  original size: 150 ×100 mm; cf. Dorival, Les Chaînes, II, 126. Today’s size: 80×55 / 90×74, 1 col., 15–20 lines per page  15 lines: ff. XXIar–av/XXIbr–bv. |  Majuscule (Ogivale inclinata)  Text; Majuscule (Ogivale diritta)  Catena; Minuscule (ff. XXIar–av/XXIbr–bv)  Ps. 88,10-32. | Provenance: Southern Italy.  According to Mercati the manuscripts comes from Palestine (Sulla catena perduta, p. 197). According to Dorival the manuscripts has a provincial origin (Les Chaînes exégétiques, II, p. 141)
Catena in Psalmos et Odas; Liturgica. | The manuscript contains the Psalms divided into καθίσματα and δόξαι, with a marginal Catena commentary. Catena Typus XXVI according to Karo-Lietzmann, Catalogus, 63–64. Parenti, Nota, 275; Preda, Manuscrisul, 34, 103, 241. The codex was heavily damaged by the fire broke out on January 26, 1904 in the Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria di Torino: most of the biblical text has been preserved, while the marginal Catena is almost entirely lost. The manuscript has initials in ekthesis rubricated in red and in bright blue. There are some peculiar titles rubricated in red; f. 102r has a marginal annotation in minuscule (from a later hand) affixed to the bottom margin. The folios are in complete disarray today. There is a double numbering (Roman and Arabic) and sometimes the same number is repeated twice. From f. 72 to f. 86. a modern hand has affixed letters in the Latin alphabet next to the Arabic numeration. To this manuscript belongs a leaf kept in the Biblioteca Capitolare of Verona, with shelf mark CXIX.Text-type: L.
Ps 46:10–151 See the reconstruction
116r–117rOd 1 α
117v–122rOd 2 β
122v–123vOd 3 γ
124r–125vOd 4 δ
125v–127rOd 5 ε
127r–127vOd 6 [ϛ]
127v–129rOd 11 [ζ]
129v–131rOd 12 η
131v–133rOd 7 θ
133v–134rDan. 3:46-51b
134r–136rOd 8 [ι] + [ια]
136r–137rOd 9 [ιβ] + [ιγ]
137v–138rOd 13 ιδ
138r–139rOd 14 ιε
139vἈκολουθία; Τροπάρια See the reconstruction
Dorival, G., Les Chaînes exégétiques grecques sur les Psaumes. Contribution a l’étude d’une forme littéraire, 5 vols. (Spicilegium Sacrum Lovaniense. Études et documents 43–46. 54), Leuven 1986–2018, II, 126–141.
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