Ra 1198
Sinai, St. Catherine's Monastery, Sinait. gr. 48. No diktyon: 58423.
St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, Petropol. gr. 267 (Granstrem 211). No diktyon: 57339.
| Unknown writing support (Paper); Unknown writing support (Parchment), 220 ff. (Sinait. gr. 48); 3 ff. (Petropol. gr. 267 ),
1 col., 18 lines per page.
| Minuscule (Scholarly hand).
| Provenance: Unknown.
| Owner:
Porfirij Uspenskij (Petropol. gr. 267 ).
Greek Psalter.
| The manuscript is defective at the beginning. It contains 39 illustrations which recall those of the manuscript Vitr. 34. 3, of the Benaki Museum (cf. Weyl Carr-Cutler, 1976: 282, 300, 301 note nr. 22, 302 note nr. 27-28, 322). Between f. 93v and f. 94r, the manuscript was restored with a parchment fragment containing Arabic characters. The titles and letters are rubricated. Beneševič recognised the folios of Petropol. gr. 267 as belonging to Sin. gr. 48 (cf. Weitzmann, K., - Galavaris, G., 1990:83).
| Text-type: L.
Beneševič,V.: Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum graecorum qui in monasterio Sanctae Catharinae in Monte Sina asservantur, t. I., Sankt–Peterburg 1911 (Sinait. gr. 48 + Petropol. gr. 267), 609.
Bernabò, M.: Voci dell'Oriente. Miniature e testi classici da Bisanzio alla Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Firenze 2011 (Sinait. gr. 48), 143.
Granstrem, E. E.: “Katalog greceskich rukopisej leningradskich chranilišc: 3, rukopisi: XI veka”, Vizantijskij vremennik 19 (1961) 194–239 (Petropol. gr. 2687), 207–208 (nr. 211).
Harlfinger, D. – Reinsch, D. – Sonderkamp, J. – Prato, G.: Specimina Sinaitica. Die datierten griechischen Handschriften des Katharinen–Klosters auf dem Berge Sinai 9. bis 12. Jahrhundert, Berlin 1983 (Sinait. gr. 48 + Petropol. gr. 267), 35–36.
Kamil, M.: Catalogue of all manuscripts of the Monastery of St. Catharine on Mount Sinai, Wiesbaden 1970 (Sinait. gr. 48), 64 (nr. 48).
Lake, K. – Lake, S.: Dated Greek Minuscule Manuscripts to the Year 1200, vol. VI, Boston (Massachusetts) 1934–1939 (Petropol. gr. 267), 16 (nr. 255).
Parpulov, G.: Toward a History of Byzantine Psalters, Plovdiv 2014 (Sinait. gr. 48 + Petropol. gr. 267), 55, 132.
Pérez Martín, I.: “Maxime Planude et le 'Diophantus Matritensis' (Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, ms. 4678): un paradigme de la récupération des textes anciens dans la 'Renaissance paléologue’”, in Byzantion 76 (2006) 433–462 (Sinait. gr. 48), 439 (note nr. 27).
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914 (Sinait. gr. 48 + Petropol. gr. 267), 229, 288.
Weitzmann, K., – Galavaris, G.: The Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai. The Illuminated Greek Manuscripts. Volume One: From the ninth to the twelfth Century, Princeton 1990 (Petropol. gr. 267), 83–87 (nr. 30).
Online Sources
Library of Congress (Sinait. gr. 48)