Ra 1170
Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. gr. 342. No diktyon: 66973.
a. 1087; s. XIII
a. 1087: ff. 3-280 (paschal table on ff. 20v-23v); s. XIII ex.: ff. 1-2.281-282; s. XIII: ff. 282-285
| Parchment, 285 ff., 180 × 130
1 col.
with commentary in the margins, 19 lines per page
Biblical text.
| Minuscule (Perlschrift) ff. 3-280;
Minuscule (archaizing hand) ff. 1-2.281-282.
| Scribe:
Μιχαὴλ μοναχός PBW Michael 204, RGK Ι 289, RGK III 472.
| Provenance: Constantinople.
ff. 3-280
| Owner:
Μιχαὴλ μοναχός
PBW Michael 204, RGK Ι 289, RGK III 472.
Psalms and Odes with commentary.
| Text-type: L.
Bady, G.: “Les vers inédits sur les Psaumes transmis sous le nom de Nicétas Chartophylax”, R. Ceulemans/B. Crostini (eds.), Receptions of the Bible in Byzantium: Text, Manuscripts, and Their Readers, Uppsala 2021, 207–258.
Cutler, A.: The Aristocratic Psalters in Byzantium, Paris 1984, 78–79 (cat. 42).
Gamillscheg, E.: “Beobachtungen zum Oeuvre des Kopisten Michael Panerges”, Хризограф 3 (2009), pp. 76–93.
Jagić, V. (ed.): Supplementum psalterii Bononiensis: Incerti auctoris explanatio Psalmorum Graeca, Vienna 1917.
Mercati, S. G.: Collectanea byzantina, I, Barri 1970, pp. 465–468, 609–617.
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