
Ra 1146

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Suppl. grec. 343. No diktyon: 53098.
a. 1026  ff. 004v-005v: Tabulae paschales (cf. Omont, 1888: 252; Rahlfs, 1914: 215) | Parchment (001-170); Paper (I-III), 170 ff., 150 × 110 mm, 1 col., Text lines per page. |  Minuscule (Bouletée). | Provenance: Southern Italy.  Parpulov (2014: 102 nr. 57)Owner: From the 13th century, the manuscript is kept at the church of St. Pierre de Beauvais and then to Notre Dame.  (cf. Omont, 1888: I-II; Rhalfs, 1914: 215).
Greek Psalter. | The manuscript presents the psalms followed by the Odes; each psalm's initial letters are finely decorated. Titles and initial letters are rubricated. There are some notes in Latin.Text-type: L.
1r–4r Varia and prayers
2v Drawing of king David playing the lyre
4v–5v Tabulae paschales
6r–153v Ps 1-150
154r–155r Od 1 αʹ
155r–158v Od 2 βʹ
158v–159v Od 3 ϛ′
159v–161r Od 4
161r–162r Od 5 ε′
162r–162v Od 6 ε′
162v–163v Od 11 η′
163v–164v Od 12 θ′
164v–167r Od 7 ι′
167r–168v Od 8 ιβ′
168v–169r Od 9:46-55b ζ′
168v–169r Od 9:68-79b ιγ′
169r Od 13
169v linn. 1-8: Vesperal hymn Φῶς ἱλαρὸν
169v–170r Od 14
Parpulov, G.: Toward a History of Byzantine Psalters ca. 850–1350 AD, Plovdiv 2014, 54 nr. 6, 99 nr. 40, 101 nr. 54, 102 nr. 57. 
Omont, H.: Catalogues des mss. grecs de Fontainebleau sous François Ier et Henri II, Paris 1889, I–II. 
Omont, H.: Inventaire sommaire des manuscrits grecs de la Bibliothèque nationale et des autres bibliothèques de Paris et des Départements, III, paris 1888, 252. 
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914, 215. 
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