
Ra 1140

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Grec 164. No diktyon: 49732.
a. 1070 | Parchment, 199 ff., 180 × 140 mm, 1 col., 23 lines per page. | Minuscule (Perlschrift Main text; Majuscule (Small-sized Alexandrian majuscule)  Scholia. | Scribe: Σισίννιος Σισίννιος ψάλτης τοῦ ἁγίου Πέτρου *οχείας. | Provenance: Antioch. | Owner: Λέων ἱερεὺς καὶ κουβουκλείσιος, ὁ Σαρβανδηνός, cf. the colophon on f. 179r.
Psalms and Odes with marginal scholia. | This is a luxurious manuscript decorated with gilded letters and a colourful floral headpiece. The text of the Psalms and the Odes is surrounded by marginal scholia consisting of excerpts from church fathers, hexaplaric readings, and corrections to the text. Prognostic sentences have been also added in the upper margin of several folios. Montfaucon and Field used this manuscript for their edition of Origen’s hexaplaric fragments of the Book of Psalms.Text-type: L.
1r–4v Athanasius of Alexandria, Epistle to Marcellinus
5r–5v Epigrams on the Psalms see DBBE
6r Canons of morning and evening Psalms, tit. “κανόνες ἡμερινῶν ψαλμῶν, κανόνες νυκτερινῶν ψαλμῶν” Drawing of a male saint
6v Scribblings by later hands. The Latin alphabet and its pronunciation written in Greek letters
7r–179v Ps 1–151 with marginal scholia Catena Typus XXVII (Karo-Lietzmann), CPG C14, C40.8, C40.9. There are few lacunae due to misplacements of folios, see below
180r–180v Ode 1:1-14b
181r–182v Ode 2:7c-42d
183r–183v Ps 108:14a-25b
184r–185v Ps 103:21a-Ps 104:1-16a
186r Ode 1:15-19c
186v Ode 2:1-7b
187r–187v Ps 103:5b-20b
188r Ode 2:43a-43h
188r–189r Ode 3
189r–189v Ode 4:1-9c
190r–191v Ode 7:41a-45b, Daniel 3:46-51 and Ode 8
192r–193r Ode 9
193r–194v Ode 12
194v–195v Ode 11
195v–196v Ode 5
196v–197v Ode 6
197v–198v Ode 7:26a-41a
199r–199v Ode 2:19a-31a
Dorival, G: Les chaînes exégétiques grecques sur les Psaumes: contribution à l'étude d'une forme littéraire, II, Louvain 1989, 222–235.
Field, Fr.: Origenis Hexaplorum quae supersunt sive veterum interpretum Graecorum in totum Vetus Testamentum fragmenta, vol. 2, Oxford 1875, 83. 
Karo, G., I. Lietzmann: “Catenarum graecarum catalogus” in: Nachrichten der Königl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen (Philologisch–historische Klasse), Göttingen 1902, 65. 
Lietzmann, H., H. Usener: Catenen. Mitteilungen über ihre Geschichte und handschriftliche Überlieferung von lic. Hans Lietzmann, Freiburg–Leipsig–Tübingen 1897, 56. 
Mercati, G.: “Origine antiochena di due codici greci del secolo XI”, in: Analecta Bollandiana 68 (1950), 210–222, 210–214.
Mercati, G.:Osservazioni a proemi del Salterio di Origene, Ippolito, Eusebio, Cirillo Alessandrino e altri, con frammenti inediti (Studi e testi, 142), Città del Vaticano 1948, 98 (n. 2).
Montfaucon, B: Hexaplorum Origenis quae supersunt, Tomus I, Parisiis 1713, 472. 
Parpulov, G.: Toward a History of Byzantine Psalters, ca. 850–1350 AD, Plovdiv 2014, 56, 75, Appendix B1. 
Omont, H.: Inventaire sommaire des manuscrits grecs de la Bibliothèque nationale, vol. 1, Paris 1886, 19. 
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914, 204.