Ra 111
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, + 24 sup. No diktyon: 42521.
s. X/1
| Parchment, 195 ff., 99 × 68
1 col., 23 lines per page.
| Minuscule (bouletée).
| Scribe:
Γρηγορᾶς PmbZ 24491, RGK I 81, attr. Agati.
prayer (f. 7v).
| Owners:
Francesco Ciceri (1527-1596),
Psalms and Odes.
| With hexaplaric notes in the margins.
| Text-type: L.
Content | |
2r–7r | prefaces |
7v, 8v | verse epigrams |
8r | blank |
9r–10v | miniatures |
11r–174v | Ps 1-151 |
175r–193r | Ode 1-6, 11-12, 7-9, 13, 14 f. 193r: verse epigram |
Agati, M. L.: La minuscola “bouletée”, Vatican City 1992, 36.
Gallo, F.: I manoscritti di Francesco Ciceri nella Biblioteca Ambrosiana (Fontes ambrosiani nova series 9), Rome 2019, 78, 131, 208.
Online Sources