Ra 1093
London, British Library, Or. 5465. No diktyon: 39754.
| Paper, 15 ff., 165 × 124
1 col., 20-22 lines per page.
| Majuscule.
| Provenance: Egypt.
| This is evidently a fragment from a large volume, as its pages are numbered, in the original scribe’s hand, 154-171 and 176-182.184. (Two leaves are lost between the current folia 9 and 10. Fol. 13 is paginated 182/184. The page numbers on ff. 14-15 do not survive.).
| Text-type: U.
Content | |
1r–9v | excerpts from Ps 9-115 in Greek, initial words also in Sahidic translation: Ps 9:6-12, 19:6, 15:8, 20:4-5, 21:23-24, 23:6-7, 27:9, 28:3, 32:22, 33:, 35:10-11, 36:3-, 39:10, 44:, 45:8.11, 46:6, 50:3-9, 51:10-11, 64:2, 67:6.36, 71:15.18, 77:, 79:2, 80:3-4, 83:11, 84:11-13, 85:9-10, 88:4-5, 91:13-14, 92:3-5, 94:6-7, 95:2-3.10, 97:3.5, 98:5-6, 99:1-3, 101:25-26, 103:1-2.24.30, 104:41, 109:1-4, 110:9-10, 111:6-8.1, 112:3-5, 113:20, 115:4.6. |
10r–15v | liturgica in Greek and Sahidic |
Nagel, P., “Griechisch–koptische Bilinguen des Alten Testaments”, in: id. (ed.), Graeco–Coptica: Griechen und Kopten im byzantinischen Ägypten (Wissenschaftliche Beiträge der Martin–Luther–Universität Halle–Wittenberg 48), Halle 1984, 231–257, 256 (cat. 23).
Quecke, H., “Psalmverse als ‘Hymnen’ in der koptischen Liturgie?”, in: Christianisme d'Égypte: hommages à René–Georges Coquin, Leuven 1994, 101–114.
ed. W. E. Crum, in: Rahlfs, A., Der Text des Septuaginta–Psalters, Göttingen 1907, 241–254.