
Ra 106

Ferrara, Biblioteca Comunale Ariostea, Cl. II. 187 I + 187 II + 188 II. No diktyon: 15673.
GA Number: 582.
s. XI, s. XIV  XI (187 II, ff. 187v–188v), XIV | Paper (187 I; 188 II; 187 II, ff. 001–187 (?); 189r–214); Parchment (187 II, ff. 187v–188v)  from an 11th century Latin manuscript, cf. Martini, Catalogo, p. 351, 211 + 214 + 114 ff.  187 I: 211 ff.; 187 II: 214 ff.; 188 II: 114 ff., 400 × 310 mm, 1 col., 39 lines per page. | Minuscule (Later Palaeologian Hands). | Scribe: Ξένος Νικόδημος (s. XV) 187 I, ff. 1–211v; 187 II, ff. 1–187r; 188 II, ff. 1r–114v. VGH 1294, PLP 20889; Martini, Catalogo, 351. | Provenance: The manuscript was offered to the convento dei PP. Carmelitani Scalzi di S. Paolo in Ferrara by Cardinal Bessarion in 1438.  Cf. Martini, Catalogo, 353; Rahlfs, Verzeichnis, 60Owners: Γεώργιος Σιμονάκι (s. XIV)  cf. f. 214v: Γεώργιος Σιμονάκι μαθιτὴς τοῦ Ἡὁάννη τοῦ Καβουρά. On Simonaki, see PLP 25352; On Ἰωάννης Καβουρᾶς (s. XIV), see PLP 10105–10106, Βησσαρίων  RGK I, nr. 41. RGK II, nr. 61. RGK III, nr. 77.
Complete Bible. | The manuscript is divided into three volumes. Psalter and Odes have been added by a second scribe, Γεώργιος Σιμονάκι. The titles and initial letters are rubricated. There are some marginal glosses in Latin of a later hand. Corrections and additions in Greek are written in the margins by a second hand.Text-type: non-Lucianic text.
187 I, ff. 1–178r Oct, Reg I-IV, Par I-II
187 I, ff. 178v–195v Esdr I-II
187 I, ff. 196r–200r Tob
187 I, ff. 200v–206v Idt
187 I, ff. 207r–211v Est
I87 II, ff. 1r–12r Iob
187 II, ff. 12v–22v Prov
187 II, ff. 23r–26r Eccl
187 II, ff. 26v–28r Cant
187 II, ff. 28v–34r Sap
187 II, ff. 34v–51v Sir
187 II, ff. 52r–139r IV proph
187 II, ff. 139v–160v XII proph
187 II, ff. 161r–187r Mac I-II
187 II, ff. 187v–188v Ez 14:23–17:10 in Latin
187 II, ff. 189r–214 Ps.Od.
188 II, ff. 1r–114v NT
Hoskier, H.: Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse: Collations of All Existing Available Greek Documents with the Standard Text of Stephen's Third Edition, Together with the Testimony of Versions, Commentaries and Fathers. A Complete Conspectus of All Authorities, vol. I, London 1929, 308–313. 
Labowsky, L.: Bessarion’s library and the Biblioteca Marciana, Roma 1979 (Sussidi eruditi, 31).
Gregory, G. R.: Textkritik des Neuen Testamentes, vols. I–III, Leipzig 1900–1909, I, 205; III, 205, 281, 305, 321, 1108. 
Martini, E.: Catalogo dei manoscritti esistenti nelle biblioteche italiane, vol. I, part. II, Milano 1896, 351–352 (187 I, II–188 II).
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 2), Berlin 1914, 59–61.