
Ra 1054

St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1395. No diktyon: 74423.
pp. 7–327: s. V; pp. 336–361: s. X; pp. 366-473: S. VII-X.  pp. 7–327: s. V–X (Evangelia, Fragmenta); pp. 336–361: s. X (Psalms) | Paper (Paper leaves before fragments); Parchment (Fragments); Palimpsest (pp. 368-368b), 473 pp., 220 × 180 mm, 1 col., 22 lines per page. |  Minuscule (Roman minuscule)  pp. 7-327; Minuscule (Carolingian minuscule)  pp. 336-361; Minuscule (Minuscule, Majuscule varia (lat.))  pp. 366-473; Minuscule (Gothic)  p. 353: offset, 90º turned. | Provenance: Abbey library of Saint Gall.  pp. 430-433
Veterum fragmentorum manuscriptis codicibus detractorum collectio, Tom. II. | This manuscript is a collection of parchment fragments in Latin from different periods. It comprises fourteen separate codicological units; each part, and its content, is signalised by modern annotations in Latin on paper leaves (pp. 1-6, 332-333, 366-367, 392-393, 411, 416-417, 429, 435, 439, 443, 449, 455, 457 and 468c), written by the librarian Ildefons von Arx (1755-1830) who collected in 1822 the different fragments into this single collection. The first codicological unit (pp. 7-327) represents the oldest witness of the Latin Vulgata Gospels, realised in Verona and dated to the 5th c.; the ancient codex was dismembered in 15th c., and many of its pages were used to bound other manuscripts (cf. Turner, The oldest manuscript, p. XXIV; Kaczynski, Greek in the Carolingian Age, p. 130). Pages 336-361 (codicological unit II) contain fragments of the Psalms (beginning with Ps 30:22) in Latin and Greek (transliterated into Latin characters). The LXX is always on the recto, while de Vulgata is always written on the verso and presents initial letters rubricated in red ink. The text of the Psalms is closely related to that of the Bamberg Psalter, with which it also shares some scribal errors. According to Rahlfs (1907), Ra_1395 could be a direct copy of Bamberg Psalter, or both the manuscripts could be descended from the same archetype (cf. Kaczynski,Greek in the Carolingian Age, pp. 86-87). Traces of Oak-gall tincture are visible on some pages of the codicological unit III (Psalmi in uncialibus in Latin): 368-368b, 371-374, 378-379, 390.Text-type: (?).
pp. 7–327 * Evangelia lat., cum notis gr.* (Mt. 6:21- Joh. 17:18)
pp. 336–361 Psalterium graecolatinum, gr. in lit. lat. Content structure:
pp. 336 Ps 30:22-31:5 (LXX)
pp. 337–338 Ps 31:5-11 (Vulg, LXX)
pp. 343–344 Ps 33:2-13 (Vulg, LXX)
pp. 345–346 Ps 33:13-23 (Vulg, LXX)
p. 347 Ps 34:1-10 (Vulg)
p. 348 Ps 38:13-39:4 (LXX)
pp. 349–350 Ps 39:6-13 (Vulg, LXX)
pp. 351 Ps 39:14-40:3 (Vulg)
pp. 352 Ps 43:17-27 (LXX)
pp. 353–354 Ps 44:2-10 (Vulg, LXX) p. 353, with offset, 90º turned, from another manuscript in gothic script
pp. 355 Ps 44:10-45:3 (Vulg)
p. 356 Ps 45:3-46:2 (LXX)
p. 357 Ps 46:3-47:8 (Vulg)
p. 358 Ps 117:27-118:7 (LXX)
p. 359 Ps 118:9-19 (Vulg)
p. 360 Ps 118:31-43 (LXX)
p. 361 Ps 118:44-53 (Vulg)
pp. 366–473 Fragmenta varia (pp. 418, 422, 426: Irish miniatures. p. 426, inscription on the illumination: PECCAVIMUS DOMINE PECCAVIMUS PARCE N[OBIS] ).
Andrés Sanz, M. A.: “Psalms and Psalters in the Manuscript Fragments Preserved in the Abbey Library of Sankt Gallen”, Fragmentology 1 (2018), 39–63, 44–49.
Berschin, W.: “Griechisches in der Klosterschule des alten St. Gallen”, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 84/85 (1991/1992), 329–340, 333.
Delitzsch, Fr.: “Uber iroscotische Bibellhandschriften”, Zeitschrift für die gesammte lutherische Theologie und Kirche 25 (1864), 217–223, 220. 
Dold, A.: Konstanzer altlateinische Propheten– und Evangelien–Bruchstücke mit Glossen nebst zugehörigen Prophetentexten aus Zürich und St. Gallen, Beuron 1923 (Texte und Arbeiten 1/7–9), 225–278.
Dold, A.: Neue St. Gallen vorhieronymianische Propheten–Fragmente der St. Galler Sammelhandschrift 1398b zugehörig, Beuron 1940 (Texte und Arbeiten, 31), 24–75.
Dora, C.: “Ruinen aus Pergament”, in Hans Peter und Wolfgang Schmitz (Hrsg.), Fragment und Makulatur. Überlieferungsstörungen und Forschungsbedarf bei Kulturgut in Archiven und Bibliotheken, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2015, 51–77 + 407–426, 70.
Ganz, D.: “Carolingian Bibles”, in Mardsen, Richard & Matten, E. Ann (eds), The new Cambridge History of the Bible. Vol. 2: From 600 to 1500, Cambridge 2012, pp. 325–337, 335–336.
Kaczynski, B. M.: Greek in the Carolingian Age. The St. Gall Manuscripts, Cambridge (Mass.) 1988, 78, 83, 86–87, 90–91, 97, 128, 130.
Radiciotti, P.: “Manoscritti digrafici grecolatini e latinogreci nell’alto medioevo”, in H. Fillitz and O. Kresten, Römische historische Mitteilungen. Band 40, Wien 1998, pp. 49–118, 69.
Rahlfs, A.: Der Text des Septuaginta Psalters, Göttingen 1907, 13, 38–39.
Turner, C. H.: The oldest Manuscript of the Vulgate Gospels, Oxford 1931 (Siglum Σ).
Gryson, R.: Altlateinische Handschriften. Manuscrits vieux latins. Deuxième partie: Mss 300–485 (manuscrits du psautier), Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau, 2004 (Vetus Latina, 1/2B), 93, nr. 336.
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments, Berlin 1914 (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), 70. 
Scherrer, G.: Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, 461–464. 
Tischendorf, C.: Anecdota sacra et profana ex oriente et occidente allata, Lipsiae 1861, 235–237 (nr. XXXI).