
Ra 1051

Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Conv. Soppr. 36 (olim Badia 102 [2913]). No diktyon: 15799.
s. X, XVI  s. X: ff. 1r–258v; s. XVI: ff. 20v, 22r (linn.14–16), 22v, 23r (linn. 13-16) | Paper (ff. I–II, I'); Parchment (ff. III, 1–258), 258 ff., 120 × 100 mm, 1 col., 16 lines per page. | Minuscule (“minuscola antica rotonda”)  ff. 7r–258v; Minuscule (“Druckminuskel”)  f. 20v; f. 22r, ll. 14–16; f. 22v; f. 23r, ll. 13–16; Majuscule (“Auszeichnungsmajuskel”)  ff. 1r–6v. | Scribe: Ἰωαννίκιος Μοναχός 10th century. VGH 213c. f. 233v: Κ(υρί)ε βοήθ(ει) Νικολ(άῳ) μο(νά)χ(ῳ) καὶ Ἰωαννικίῳ μο(νά)χ(ῳ) τῷ πόθ(ῳ) γράψανται ἀμήν.. At the beginning of the subscription (f. 233v, see “Scribe”) a certain Nikolaos is named for whom the psalter was written.  “[manuscript] made by a Monk for another Monk”, cf. Weyl Carr, Diminutive, 149; Rahlfs, Verzeichnis, 63. | Provenance: Badia Fiorentina (f. 7r, lower margin). After the death of Antonio di Tommaso Corbinelli (1424), his manuscripts were first inherited by his friend Jacopo Niccolò de' Corbizzi, and then passed to the Badia Fiorentina. Here Corbinelli’s manuscripts were marked with the initials “A.C.”. Between 1808 and 1809, the Library of the Badia Fiorentina was confiscated, and all the manuscripts passed to the Laurenziana.  Cf. Baldi, Sulla storia, 371–372 Owners: Antonio di Tommaso Corbinelli ( ca. 1370–1425)  Florentine humanist. The initials of Antonio di Tommaso Corbinelli (A. C.) are visible on f. IIIr. Cf. Blum, R.: La biblioteca della Badia fiorentina e i codici di Antonio Corbinelli, Città del Vaticano 1951; Rollo, A.: Sulle tracce di Antonio Corbinelli, Studi medievali e umanistici 2 (2004), 25–95; Baldi, Sulla storia, 371,
Psalms and Odes. | The manuscript is a small-format psalter, defective at the beginning (see the content). The Psalms are divided into καθίσματα and δόξαι. The manuscript has decorated initial letters and rubricated titles. A decorative headband is visible on f. 193r and a Pyle on f. 234r. There are marginal glosses in Latin.Text-type: L.
1r–5v Eusebius, Periochae Psalmorum (beginning lost) ed. Bandt, Eusebius, 128–141. The list of the psalms begins with Psalm 17: παρουσίας καὶ ἀναλήψεως
6r–6v Ps.-Eusebius, Periochae Odarum tit. Ὑπόθεσις τῶν ᾠδῶν
7r–232v Ps 1-150
223r–233v Ps 151
234r–235v Od 1
236r–240v Od 2
241r–242r Od 3
242r–244v Od 4
244v–245v Od 5
246r–246v Od 6
246v–250r Od 7
250r–251v Od 8
251v–252r Od 9
252r–253r Od 10
253r–254r Od 11
254r–258v Od 12
Baldi, D.: “Sulla storia di alcuni codici italogreci della Biblioteca Laurenziana”, Νέα Ῥώμη 4 (2007), 357–381, 370–372.
Crostini, B.: “Perils of Travel or Joys of Heaven? Reconsidering the Traveling Hypothesis for Bodleian Library, MS E. D. Clarke 15 and the Function of Diminutive Manuscripts”, Manuscripta 63 (2019), 63–104, 78 nr. 35, 101.
Weyl Carr, A.: “Diminutive Byzantine Manuscripts”, Codices manuscripti 6 (1980), 130–161, 149.
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914, 63. 
Rostagno, E., – Festa, N.: “Indice dei codici greci Laurenziani non compresi nel catalogo del Bandini”, Studi italiani di filologia classica 1 (1893), 129–232, 141. 
Bandt, C.: Eusebius, Periochae, in: C. Bandt et al. (eds): Die Prologtexte zu den Psalmen von Origenes und Eusebius (TU 183), Berlin et al. 2019, 122–141.