Ra 1040
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Hamilton 552. No diktyon: 9302.
s. IX/2
| Parchment, 192 ff., 235 × 190
1 col., 32 lines per page.
Majuscule (Greek: Uncial); Minuscule (Greek and Latin text: Carolingian).
| Scribe:
Μάγνος μοναχός
PmbZ 24812.
| Patron:
Συμεών μοναχός
PmbZ 27473.
| Provenance: Monastero di Sant’Ambrogio, Milan.
Psalms and Odes (in Greek and Latin).
| This Greek-Latin Psalter was written in Milan during the government of a certain Petrus Hegumenos (Pmbz 26558). The Latin text is always on the recto, while the Greek (transliterated into Latin characters) is on the verso. The Greek text is the same as in the Bamberg Psalter. Only f.1r is written in Greek characters.
| Text-type: L.
Content | |
1v–171v | Ps 1-151 (Greek and Latin) Ps 151: Greek text only |
171v–172r | prayers (Latin) |
172v–191r | Ode 1-9, 11-12, 14 (Greek and Latin) |
191v–192v | Creed and prayers (Latin) |
Bees, N. A.: “Zum Psalter 552 der Hamilton–Sammlung”, Byzantinisch–neugriechische Jahrbücher 12 (1936), 119–128.
Berschin, W.: Griechisch–lateinisches Mittelalter, Berlin 1980, 195.
Cavallo, G.: “Le tipologie della cultura nel riflesso delle testimonianze scritte Bisanzio”, in: Roma e l'Italia nell'alto medioevo, 3–9 aprile 1986 (Settimane di studio del Centro italiano di studi sull’alto medioevo 34), Spoleto 1988, 467–516 + pl. I–LVI, 471.
Kaczynski, B. M.: Greek in the Carolingian Age. The St. Gall Manuscripts, Cambridge (Mass.) 1988, 87.
Radiciotti, P.: “Manoscritti digrafici grecolatini e latinogreci nell’Alto Medioevo”, Römische historische Mitteilungen 40 (1998), 49–118, 68.
Rahlfs, A.: Der Text des Septuaginta Psalters, Göttingen 1907, 10.