Ra 1025
s. XII/2
s. XII/2, cf. Cutler, p. 23; on the colophon (f. 268v), which indicates a wrong date (a. 1084), see Scribe
| Parchment, 270 ff.
278 ff. according to Lauriotes/Eustratiades, p. 15, 170 × 120
mm cropped,
1 col.
Ps.Od.: 2 cols.; NT: 1 col., 41 lines per page.
| Minuscule (ε-style) “style ε arrondi”, cf. Canart, pp. 55–56.
| Scribe:
unknown colophon on f. 268v, inc.: ἔγραφον ἐπὶ τῆς βασιλείας τοῦ εὐσεβεστάτου καὶ φιλοχρίστου κυρίου Ἀλεξίου μεγάλου δούκα σεμβαστοῦ τοῦ Κομνηνοῦ […]. The colophon dates the completion of the manuscript to January 31, 1084 during the reign of Alexios (I) Comnenos; this date is wrong, cf. Colwell (with transcription of the colophon on p. 143).
| Provenance: Donated to the Lavra monastery by Demetrios τοῦ σαλιβαρᾶ ἀπὸ τὸ κίτρος in a. 1539 (see note on f. 268v, after the colophon), cf. Cutler, p. 23. Rahlfs, p. 17, is mistaken that the manuscript would have been donated by “Δημητριος Σαγδιβαρα απο το Κητρος” in 1384.
| Owner:
Δημήτριος τοῦ σαλιβαρᾶ ἀπὸ τὸ κίτρος (s. XVI)
see note after the colophon on f. 268v; cf. Cutler, p. 23.
New Testament and Psalter with 24 miniatures.
| New Testament and Psalter bound together into one volume. With several illustrations and miniatures. The folios have been heavily trimmed, so that some illustrations are damaged on the margins, esp. at the beginning of the codex. The manuscript provides a colophon (f. 268v) which indicates a false date (a. 1084; hence the manuscript has been misdated by Rahlfs and others); other datings have been proposed, e.g. by Colwell, s. XIII/2. For the plausible dating into the second half of the twelve century, cf. esp. Cutler, p. 23, and moreover Canart, pp. 55–56.
| Collation: LXXGot
Content | |
ff. 5r–10v | var. tabulae canonis; Epigram on f. 10v cf. DBBE 17106 |
ff. 11r–12r | blank |
f. 12v | Miniature of Matthew |
ff. 13r–203v | NT; Epigram on f. 107v cf. DBBE 17188 |
f. 13r | Depiction of Christ and Mt 1:1–1:3a |
ff. 204r–208v | var. tabulae |
f. 209r | blank |
f. 209v | Miniature of David, Epigram cf. DBBE 19569 |
ff. 210r–260r | Ps 1–151 |
f. 210r | Depiction of Christ and Ps 1:1–2:6aα; Epigram cf. DBBE 26974 |
f. 260r | Ps 151 with miniature of David and Goliath |
f. 260v–261r | blank |
f. 261v | Miniature |
ff. 262r–268v | Od 1–9 |
f. 262r | Miniature and Od 1:1–1:8b; Epigram on top (s. XIII–XV) cf. DBBE 20093 |
f. 268v | Od 9:76a–9:79b (fin.); colophon; additional note on the colophon, see Scribe; on the additional note, see Owner |
Canart, P.: Les écritures livresques chypriotes du milieu du XIe siècle au milieu du XIIIe et le style palestino–chypriote “epsilon”, in: id. (ed.): Études de paléographie et de codicologie. Reproduites avec la collaboration de M. L. Agati et M. d’Agostino vol. 1 (StT 450), Città del Vaticano 2008, 677–747, 715–716 [55–56].
Colwell, E.C.: Misdated New Testament MS. Laura B. 26, in: R.P. Casey et al. (eds.): Quantulacumque. Studies in Honor of Kirsopp Lake, London 1937, 183–188, repr. in Cowell, Studies, see there (Colophon).
Colwell, E.C.: Studies in Methodology in Textual Criticism of the New Testament, Leiden 1969, 142–147 (Colophon).
Cutler, A.: The Aristocratic Psalters in Byzantium. Préface par André Grabar (Cahiers archéologiques. Bibliothèque des Cahiers archéologiques 13), Paris 1984, 23–25.
Aland, K.: Kurzgefaßte Liste der griechischen Handschriften des Neuen Testaments (Arbeiten zur neutestamentlichen Textforschung 1), Berlin et al. 21994, 131 (GA 1505).
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