Ra 1008
Athens, National Library of Greece, 47.
St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, Gr. 264.
a. 975/6, XII, XV
a. 975/6: ff. 1–6 (Petrop.), ff. 1–6, 9–243 (Athen.), cf. paschal table (Petrop.: f. 1r); s. XII: ff. 243–245 (Athen.) prayer; s. XV: ff. 6v–8v (Athen.) miniatures
| Parchment, 6+245 ff., 125 × 90
1 col., 18 lines per page.
Minuscule (Perlschrift).
| Owner:
Monastery of Mar Saba, Jerusalem
f. 7v, ownership note, cf. Sakkelion, 8–9.
Psalms and Odes with miniatures.
| Text-type: L.
Carr, A. W., Byzantine Illumination, 1150–1250: The Study of a Provincial Tradition, Chicago 1987, p. 190 (cat. 6).
Cutler, A., The Aristocratic Psalters in Byzantium, Paris 1984, pp. 19–20 (cat. 3).
Delatte, A., Les manuscrits à miniatures et à ornements des Bibliothèques d’Athènes (Bibliothèque de la Faculté de philosophie et lettres de l'Université de Liège. 34), Liège–Paris 1926, 81–82 ((Athen.)).
Granstrem, E. E., “Каталог греческих рукописей ленинградских хранилищ. Вып. 2: Рукописи X в.”, in Византийский временник 18 (1961), 254–274, 255 (cat. 117).