
Pskovo-Pečerskaya Psalter (Псково-Печерская псалтирь)

Moscow, Russian State Library, Rogozhskoye cemetery collection 444 (olim Pskov-Pechory Monastery, Russia).
s. XV  a. 1450–1470 | Paper, 399 ff., 275 × 200 mm, 2 col., 30 lines per page. | Majuscule (Semi-uncial)  “poluustav”. | Scribe: unknown. | Provenance: Pskov Republic.
Commentary on Psalms by Theodoret of Cyrrhus in Old Bulgarian translation. | The manuscript is well preserved. The first pages of its antigraph were, however, obviously in poor condition (see Вершинин, 8–9); this may explain some ambiguities or mistakes in the translation on the first pages, the almost complete absence of the preface by Theodoret, from which two fragments (translated not quite accurately) were nevertheless placed on f. 9r, as well as the placement at the beginning of the prefaces by Nicetas and Basil. This is the only known manuscript of the Slavonic translation of Theodoret’s commentary, which contains interpretations of the last six and a half psalms (from Ps 144:14 to the end), which are lost in all other text witnesses.
1r–7r Protheoria by Nicetas of Heraclea (slav.)
7r–8v Protheoria by Basil of Caesarea (slav.)
9r Several sentences from Protheoria by Theodoret (slav.) I: PG 80, 864A11–B6, C4–8
9v Empty
10r–399r Theodoret, In Ps 1–150 (slav.)
399r Epilogue (slav., probably translated from Greek)
MacRobert, C.M., The Multiple–Author Catena on the Psalms translated into Church Slavonic by Maximus Triboles, C. Bandt and R. Ceulemans (eds.), Research on Psalter Catenae: Current Trends and Recent Developments (TU 197), Berlin–Boston 2024, 119–135, 127–128.
Вершинин, К.В.: Полный славянский список Толкований Феодорита Киррского на Псалтирь, Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика 42 (2018:4), 3–36. 
Собрание Рогожского кладбища, Ф. 247, Государственная библиотека СССР им. В.И. Ленина, Отдел рукописей, Москва 1968, 295 (Nr. 444).
Вершинин, К.В.: Полный славянский список Толкований Феодорита Киррского на Псалтирь, Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика 42 (2018:4), 13–33 (Ps 144:14–150:6, epilogue).